[secdir] Re: [Last-Call] Secdir last call review of draft-ietf-asdf-sdf-18

Carsten Bormann <cabo@tzi.org> Tue, 28 May 2024 05:56 UTC

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Hi Magnus,

thank you for this review.
A couple of quick comments to your specific items:

> - The Security Considerations section mentions the possible need for
> confidentiality of an SDF model ("There may be confidentiality requirements on
> SDF models, both on their content and on the fact that a specific model is used
> in a particular Thing or environment"). Couldn't there also be a need for
> integrity/authenticity of a given SDF model? The document is silent on this.

Actually, we use (twice) a much stronger word: provenance.
This combines integrity and authentication with some appraisal (or at least policy) of how the data from the authenticated source can be used.
We are not pointing to a specific mechanism here, as that is likely to be ecosystem specific.
We could, however, explicitly remind the reader that provenance has integrity and authenticity as a prerequisite.
A minimal change in:


> -
> Related to the previous point, was it ever discussed to allow for an integrity
> or authenticity value accompanying or being part of an SDFThing instance?

Given the role of SDF as a hub format, SDF needs to be agnostic to the kinds of integrity protection and authenticity that is used with it.  Embedding a model into an SDFThing instance is certainly one way to provide this information in a way that could make use of protection already available for the Thing in general.  It is more likely, though, that a Thing will provide a reference to its model that is stored somewhere else.  That would be described in a model using an extension such as that proposed in [1] (if it is offered as an affordance from an instance) or possibly [2].  (These are likely to become WG documents after the current rechartering.)

[1]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-bormann-asdf-sdftype-link/
[2]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-laari-asdf-relations/

Grüße, Carsten