[Secdispatch] Re: ALFA 2.0 WG for IETF 121

Deb Cooley <debcooley1@gmail.com> Sun, 06 October 2024 18:36 UTC

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From: Deb Cooley <debcooley1@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 06 Oct 2024 14:35:53 -0400
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To: Andrew Clymer <andy@rocksolidknowledge.com>, Theo Dimitrakos <theo.dimitrakos@ifiptm.org>, theo.dimitrakos@huawei.com, secdispatch@ietf.org
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CC: Paul Wouters <paul.wouters@aiven.io>, Paul Wouters <paul@nohats.ca>, Daniel Kahn Gillmor <dkg@fifthhorseman.net>, Rifaat Shekh-Yusef <rifaat.s.ietf@gmail.com>
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Subject: [Secdispatch] Re: ALFA 2.0 WG for IETF 121
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I've taken the liberty to join these messages into one address list.
Apologies if the information below is redundant....

There is an experiment ongoing with the dispatch groups, at IETF 121 there
is an alldispatch (instead of secdispatch).  This experiment/working group
can be reached by emailing alldispatch@ietf.org .

This is exactly where you should bring your ideas.  Many times authors are
remote, if that is easier for you.

Oftentimes groups like to have a side meeting later in the week after a
dispatch meeting.  To do that you have to have at least one person on-site
(to run the meeting).  Side meetings can have remote participants, but
those participants need to be registered for the meeting.

Let us know what else we can do to help.

Deb Cooley
Sec AD

> Begin forwarded message:
> *From:* David Brossard <david.brossard@gmail.com>
> *Date:* October 4, 2024 at 06:15:03 EDT
> *To:* Andrew Clymer <andy@rocksolidknowledge.com>, Theo Dimitrakos <
> theo.dimitrakos@ifiptm.org>, theo.dimitrakos@huawei.com,
> secdispatch@ietf.org, Rifaat Shekh-Yusef <rifaat.s.ietf@gmail.com>,
> paul.wouters@aiven.io, Daniel Kahn Gillmor <dkg@fifthhorseman.net>
> *Subject:* *[Secdispatch] ALFA 2.0 WG for IETF 121*
> Hi Daniel, Rifaat, and Paul,
> With IETF 120 in the back, I wanted to circle back and talk about next
> steps. After the lightning talk, a few folks came up to me to talk about
> their needs for an authorization policy language. In OAuth, there is also a
> need but the consensus was that the language should live outside OAuth and
> OAuth would just be a consumer of it. Other WGs e.g. WIMSE, SCIM, ACE of
> course, and perhaps SPICE.
> I am thinking therefore that ALFA 2.0 would belong to the Security Area
> (SEC) which is why I am reaching out. @Rifaat Shekh-Yusef
> <rifaat.s.ietf@gmail.com>, given you were in the OAuth sessions, what
> do you think? What are the next steps to create a WG? Does it make sense to
> attend IETF 121 and if so what would the expectations be?
> The current stub of a draft is here: https://datatracker.ietf
> .org/doc/draft-brossard-alfa-authz/ . I have also CCed my two co-authors,
> Andy Clymer from Rock Solid Knowledge (UK) and Theo Dimitrakos (IFIPTM, UK
> and Huawei, Germany) who should be able to attend IETF 121 in Dublin.
> Thanks for your insights,
> David.
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