[Secdispatch] Re: [dispatch] Re: IANA policies "... with expert review" (Re: [Alldispatch] IETF-Wide Dispatch – Call for topics)
John C Klensin <john-ietf@jck.com> Mon, 27 May 2024 00:28 UTC
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Date: Sun, 26 May 2024 20:28:35 -0400
From: John C Klensin <john-ietf@jck.com>
To: Donald Eastlake <d3e3e3@gmail.com>, gendispatch@ietf.org
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Subject: [Secdispatch] Re: [dispatch] Re: IANA policies "... with expert review" (Re: [Alldispatch] IETF-Wide Dispatch – Call for topics)
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--On Sunday, May 26, 2024 17:39 -0400 Donald Eastlake <d3e3e3@gmail.com> wrote: > It may be of interest that in some cases blocks of parameter values > in RFC 9542 and its predecessors back though RFC 5342 are assigned > under a policy called, in these RFCs, "IESG Ratification". This > provides for Expert Review and then, if the Expert approves or is > uncertain, the final decision is made by the IESG. See Section > 5.1.2 of > https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc9542/ > (https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9542.html#name-expert-review-and > -iesg-ratif). Donald, Yes, and this is part of a problem I'm not sure whether ALLDISPATCH wants to dig into (I've had fantasies about a separate BOF). Carsten's draft, my draft, and your example above may all be indicative of a broader problem. Another part of the problem, sort of mentioned and partially addressed in my draft, is that there appear to be a growing number of topics in which there is tension between the value of trying to be sure everything relevant gets registers and getting high-quality review and engagement. For those reasons and, I gather, others with less sweeping possible implications, it seems clear that RFC 8126 is in serious need of reexamination and revision. Unfortunately, at least as I understand it, a draft revision for community discussions was promised over two years ago and has been promised and/or requested by various ADs several times since. The draft has not appeared and, if progress is being made, I, at least, have seen no sign of it: certainly there has been no I-D. So, can we either move toward a DISPATCH session to discuss and record issues that should be addressed in 8126bis and, to the degree possible, a plan for getting a draft of such a document, or a session of some sort devoted to the "IANA Considerations" question and issues. If the latter has to be a side meeting, would it be possible to schedule the ALLDISPATCH session in a way that allows organizing it and finding a good time? best, john p.s. to save some reading, at least until it is necessary, your comment and my draft are about the same idea: taking two well-known registration policies and combining them in a way that meets a particular set of needs. In the case you cite, it would be IESG Approval if Expert Review does not work out well. In the case I went after, it was dealing with the tension I mentioned above by allowing the would-be registrant to choose between "just get it registered" (essentially FCFS) and much more serious community review with the registry telling those looking at it whether the latter occurred.
- [Secdispatch] IETF-Wide Dispatch – Call for topics Rifaat Shekh-Yusef
- [Secdispatch] IANA policies "... with expert revi… Carsten Bormann
- [Secdispatch] Re: [dispatch] IANA policies "... w… John C Klensin
- [Secdispatch] Re: IANA policies "... with expert … Donald Eastlake
- [Secdispatch] Re: [dispatch] Re: IANA policies ".… John C Klensin
- [Secdispatch] Re: [Alldispatch] [dispatch] Re: IA… Carsten Bormann