Re: [Secdispatch] IETF118 - Call for topics
李林哲 <> Thu, 19 October 2023 03:33 UTC
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Dear All, Apologies if you receive duplicate emails, as the first attempt to send it to the dispatch mailing list was unsuccessful. I apologize for any inconvenience caused. I would like to request a ten-minute presentation on anti-DDoS Architecture based on SAV(source address verification). This architecture utilizes SAV devices to transmit, analyze, and exploit DDoS threat information, empowering SAV deployers to effectively identify DDoS attacks and exchange relevant threat intelligence. This draft is closely related to the dots WG, which is concluded. As we are unable to determine which working group within the security area this draft should belong to, we have currently submitted it to the SAVNET working group(Routing Area). However, we believe that this draft aligns better with the security area. previous discussions : Through email, we have had discussions with technical personnel from companies such as Ericsson and Orange, primarily focusing on the availability of the architecture. Implementations: Based on SAV-D, we have set up a small-scale experimental environment and validated the effectiveness of the framework against reflective DDoS attacks. The details can be found in the paper(SAV-D: Defending DDoS with Incremental Deployment of SAV). People who may be interested in this draft: Operators, security vendors, and individuals who provide anti-DDoS devices or services. Additionally, cloud computing providers or software service providers who require anti-DDoS services may also find it relevant. What we need : We kindly request your assistance in dispatching this draft, and also seek your feedback on it. Request Information: Title: SAV-based Anti-DDoS Architecture Draft: Presenter: Linzhe Li Duration: 10 minutes If you need more information, please feel free to contact me at any time. Best, Linzhe -----原始邮件----- 发件人:"Rifaat Shekh-Yusef" <> 发送时间:2023-10-10 04:17:11 (星期二) 收件人: secdispatch <> 主题: [Secdispatch] IETF118 - Call for topics All, As per the preliminary agenda, we have a 90 minutes session on Monday at 15:30 - 17:00. Please, reply to this email or directly to the chair if you have topics that you would like to discuss in Prague. Regards, Rifaat
- [Secdispatch] IETF118 - Call for topics Rifaat Shekh-Yusef
- Re: [Secdispatch] IETF118 - Call for topics Daniel Kahn Gillmor
- Re: [Secdispatch] IETF118 - Call for topics Rifaat Shekh-Yusef
- Re: [Secdispatch] IETF118 - Call for topics Daniel Kahn Gillmor
- Re: [Secdispatch] IETF118 - Call for topics Rifaat Shekh-Yusef
- Re: [Secdispatch] IETF118 - Call for topics 李林哲
- Re: [Secdispatch] IETF118 - Call for topics 李林哲
- Re: [Secdispatch] IETF118 - Call for topics Meiling Chen
- Re: [Secdispatch] IETF118 - Call for topics Rifaat Shekh-Yusef
- Re: [Secdispatch] IETF118 - Call for topics Rifaat Shekh-Yusef
- Re: [Secdispatch] IETF118 - Call for topics Meiling Chen
- Re: [Secdispatch] IETF118 - Call for topics Rifaat Shekh-Yusef
- Re: [Secdispatch] IETF118 - Call for topics Meiling Chen
- Re: [Secdispatch] IETF118 - Call for topics Rifaat Shekh-Yusef
- Re: [Secdispatch] IETF118 - Call for topics Meiling Chen