Re: [secretariat-2012] Draft Secretariat SOW for Community Comment: Deadline 20 May
Henk Uijterwaal <> Tue, 10 May 2011 08:36 UTC
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A couple of details: > Changes in this proposed SOW from the current Secretariat SOW include, > but aren't limited to: 1. The general document says "this document is a statement of work [...] between AMS and [...]". Do we really want to put the name of the current contractor in an RFP? 2. The RFC publisher document says "the ability to host 12 or more mailing lists" (page 2, item 4.i). I think that there should be some upper limit to this. 3. Same document, item 6 IP support. "shall provide world class IP support". I don't think there there is a definition of "world class IP" anywhere and would much rather see some numbers. For example: 2 upstreams, servers in multiple locations, some reasonable number for the bandwith needed. We do need good service, we don't need something like or a similar content provider. 4. General: next time, please publish these documents with changes highlighted. That makes it easier to review. Henk -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Henk Uijterwaal Email: henk(at) Phone: +31.6.55861746 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There appears to have been a collective retreat from reality that day. (John Glanfield, on an engineering project)
- [secretariat-2012] Fwd: Draft Secretariat SOW for… Harald Alvestrand
- Re: [secretariat-2012] Draft Secretariat SOW for … Henk Uijterwaal
- Re: [secretariat-2012] Fwd: Draft Secretariat SOW… Ray Pelletier
- [secretariat-2012] Fwd: Draft Secretariat SOW for… Ray Pelletier