Re: [sidr] Beacons in a separate TCP

"George, Wes" <> Sat, 12 November 2011 01:02 UTC

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From: "George, Wes" <>
To: Jakob Heitz <>, Eric Osterweil <>, "Sriram, Kotikalapudi" <>
Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2011 20:02:59 -0500
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Subject: Re: [sidr] Beacons in a separate TCP
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> From: [] On Behalf Of
> Jakob Heitz
> The beacons will be unlikely to come like the slow constant drizzle of
> Seattle weather, but more like the quick cloudbursts of Miami weather.
> Just guessing.
> Such beacons will cause head-of-line blocking for more urgent updates
> behind them. Beacons can be delayed for hours without consequence. Not
> so for other updates.
> I think beacons should be transmitted in a TCP session separate from
> the normal BGP traffic, so as not to delay that.

[WEG] I'm not certain I understand how a separate TCP session would make a significant difference. When the update arrives, the router has to do something to it, either process it or slap it into a buffer (RAM or hard drive) for processing when it's less busy.
You could accomplish the same thing by flagging it with different QOS values, instructing the beacon sender to send the updates at pseudo-random intervals, and instructing the receiving router to always process update/withdraw messages before beacons, right? But really, this just ends up being part of the overall base CPU load of the BGPSec implementation. Either the routing system hardware has the scale to run it or it doesn't. If we're down to having to use separate TCP sessions to segregate important updates from less important ones, we have a larger problem IMO.

Wes George

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