[sidr] RPKI: Three questions regarding RFC 6487

Alberto Leiva <ydahhrk@gmail.com> Mon, 28 January 2019 18:46 UTC

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From: Alberto Leiva <ydahhrk@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2019 12:46:21 -0600
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Subject: [sidr] RPKI: Three questions regarding RFC 6487
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I have three questions:

==== 1 ====

Section has the following paragraph:

   This extension MUST have an instance of an accessMethod of id-ad-
   caRepository, with an accessLocation form of a URI that MUST specify
   an rsync URI [RFC5781]. (...)  Other accessDescription elements with
   an accessMethod of id-ad-caRepository MAY be present.  In such cases,
   the accessLocation values describe alternate supported URI access
   mechanisms for the same directory.  The ordering of URIs in this
   accessDescription sequence reflect the CA's relative preferences for
   access methods to be used by RPs, with the first element of the
   sequence being the most preferred by the CA.

Those MUSTs confuse me. What is the intent behind them?

1. Exactly one of the caRepositories MUST be URI, and MUST be RSYNC:

    caRepository    URI    RSYNC
    caRepository    other    whatever
    caRepository    other    whatever
    caRepository    other    whatever

2. Exactly one of the URI caRepositories MUST be RSYNC:

    caRepository    URI    RSYNC
    caRepository    URI    other
    caRepository    URI    other
    caRepository    other    whatever

3. There MUST be at least one RSYNC URI caRepository:

    caRepository    URI    RSYNC
    caRepository    URI    RSYNC
    caRepository    URI    whatever
    caRepository    other    whatever

4. (Unlikely, I realize) All of the caRepositories which are URIs MUST
   be RSYNC:

    caRepository    URI    RSYNC
    caRepository    URI    RSYNC
    caRepository    URI    RSYNC
    caRepository    other    whatever

==== 2 ====

Is the above verdict supposed to be consistent with the other Access
Descriptions in the RFC? They generally use somewhat different wording:


   The preferred
   URI access mechanisms is "rsync", and an rsync URI [RFC5781] MUST be
   specified with an accessMethod value of id-ad-caIssuers. (...)
   Other accessMethod URIs referencing the same object MAY also be
   included in the value sequence of this extension.

CA SIA.rpkiManifest:

   This extension MUST have an instance of an AccessDescription with an
   accessMethod of id-ad-rpkiManifest, (...)
   with an rsync URI [RFC5781] form of accessLocation. (...)
   Other accessDescription elements MAY exist for the id-ad-rpkiManifest
   accessMethod, where the accessLocation value indicates alternate
   access mechanisms for the same manifest object.


   This extension MUST have an instance of an accessMethod of id-ad-
   signedObject, (...)
   with an accessLocation form of a URI that MUST include an rsync URI
   [RFC5781]. (...) Other accessDescription
   elements may exist for the id-ad-signedObject accessMethod, where the
   accessLocation value indicates alternate URI access mechanisms for
   the same object, ordered in terms of the EE's relative preference for
   supported access mechanisms.

   Other AccessMethods MUST NOT be used for an EE certificates's SIA.

==== 3 ====


   Other AccessMethods MUST NOT be used for an EE certificates's SIA.

It seems that this requirement has been superseded by RFC 8182:

   Certificate Authorities that use RRDP MUST include an instance of an
   SIA AccessDescription extension in resource certificates they
   produce, in addition to the ones defined in [RFC6487]:
   This extension MUST use an accessMethod of id-ad-rpkiNotify (...)

Has it been superseded? Or does the second quote only apply to CA
certificates? (which would make the word "produce" seemingly out of

(Aside: 8182 does not appear in the 6487 Updated By list.)