[sidr] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidr-rpki-validation-reconsidered - ends 10/25/2016
Chris Morrow <morrowc@ops-netman.net> Tue, 11 October 2016 14:08 UTC
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Subject: [sidr] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidr-rpki-validation-reconsidered - ends 10/25/2016
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Howdy WG folks! The authors of: draft-ietf-sidr-rpki-validation-reconsidered believe they have addressed all inflight concerns/comments, the request is to WGLC this, consider it's place in the world and if appropriate pass this document along to the IESG for publication. The abstract for this draft is: "This document proposes an update to the certificate validation procedure specified in RFC 6487 that reduces aspects of operational fragility in the management of certificates in the RPKI, while retaining essential security features." Let's have a read through, consider and reply with your thoughts please, this WGLC is set to expire: 10/25/2016 - October 25, 2016. thanks for reading/replying/thinking! -chris co-chair-persona
- [sidr] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidr-rpki-validation-rec… Chris Morrow
- Re: [sidr] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidr-rpki-validation… Christopher Morrow
- Re: [sidr] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidr-rpki-validation… Declan Ma
- Re: [sidr] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidr-rpki-validation… Sriram, Kotikalapudi (Fed)
- Re: [sidr] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidr-rpki-validation… Christopher Morrow
- Re: [sidr] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidr-rpki-validation… Tim Bruijnzeels
- Re: [sidr] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidr-rpki-validation… Christopher Morrow
- Re: [sidr] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidr-rpki-validation… Sean Turner
- Re: [sidr] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidr-rpki-validation… Sean Turner
- Re: [sidr] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidr-rpki-validation… Tim Bruijnzeels