[sidr] draft-ymbk-rpki-rtr-impl-00.txt
Randy Bush <randy@psg.com> Mon, 02 January 2012 08:51 UTC
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the authors would like to request that the sidr wg accept this draft as a wg work item. randy --- A new version of I-D, draft-ymbk-rpki-rtr-impl-00.txt has been successfully submitted by Randy Bush and posted to the IETF repository. Filename: draft-ymbk-rpki-rtr-impl Revision: 00 Title: RPKI Router Implementation Report Creation date: 2012-01-02 WG ID: Individual Submission Number of pages: 18 Abstract: This document provides an implementation report for RPKI Router protocol as defined in [I-D.ietf-sidr-rpki-rtr]. The editor did not verify the accuracy of the information provided by respondents or by any alternative means. The respondents are experts with the implementations they reported on, and their responses are considered authoritative for the implementations for which their responses represent.
- [sidr] draft-ymbk-rpki-rtr-impl-00.txt Randy Bush