[sidr] meeting run over and shortened presentations
"Murphy, Sandra" <Sandra.Murphy@cobham.com> Tue, 15 November 2011 21:25 UTC
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From: "Murphy, Sandra" <Sandra.Murphy@cobham.com>
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Thread-Topic: meeting run over and shortened presentations
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The discussions in the meeting were energetic enough that we ran long - until the next working group kicked us out, actually. The unfortunate result is that Bert, Matthias, and Sriram gave shortened and rushed presentations of their part of the agenda to a reduced audience. In the next meeting, perhaps they will be first on the agenda. In the meantime - I invite the wg to look at the slides on the meeting materials site. Post comments to the list or, if you are present in Taipei, corner Bert, Matthias or Sriram and ask questions. --Sandy
- [sidr] meeting run over and shortened presentatio… Murphy, Sandra