[sidr] Updated status information for sidrops formation
joel jaeggli <joelja@bogus.com> Mon, 17 October 2016 03:46 UTC
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Cc: Chris Morrow <morrowc@ops-netman.net>
Subject: [sidr] Updated status information for sidrops formation
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Folks, Some notes on the status of the sidrops proposal. The proposed charter passed internal reivew in the IESG. it is awaiting another editorial pass prior to going for external review. That process is expected to complete prior to IETF 97. https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/sidrops/charter/ A new mailing list has been created to support this activity. it is available at: https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/sidrops Chris Morrow has graciously indicated a willingness to take on chairing, so we have one chair in place. More news on that soon. The expectation is that the working group if formed will meet first at IETF 98. The proposed charter includes work items which are already underway. Thanks, feedback is appreciated. joel
- [sidr] Updated status information for sidrops for… joel jaeggli