[sidr] Closing the sidr WG
Alvaro Retana <aretana.ietf@gmail.com> Wed, 05 September 2018 20:59 UTC
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From: Alvaro Retana <aretana.ietf@gmail.com>
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Date: Wed, 05 Sep 2018 13:59:36 -0700
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Subject: [sidr] Closing the sidr WG
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Dear sidr WG: We started the discussion about the future of the WG right before IETF 95; since then, the WG agreed on a path forward, the brand new sidrops WG was chartered (and is very close to publishing its first RFC), the migration plan to it has been executed, and 15 RFCs have been published (for a total of 41 over the life of the WG). Thank you for all the work! It is now time to close the WG. Given that we still see (as recently as a couple of weeks ago) questions to the WG list, I will keep it open — and will ask for forwarding of the messages to sidrops to avoid any lost conversations. While I know that many of you have played an important role in fulfilling the WG charter, I want to highlight the work of the Chairs in shepherding the work forward. Thank you Sandy and Chris!! I also want to thank all the authors, editors, contributors and reviewers for getting the specifications written, for the multiple discussions…for getting the work done! Alvaro.
- [sidr] Closing the sidr WG Alvaro Retana