[sidr] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidr-delta-protocol - 10/25/2016

Chris Morrow <morrowc@ops-netman.net> Tue, 11 October 2016 14:15 UTC

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Howdy WG Folks!
Let's chat (email) about the subject document:

The authors believe they have dealt with all open items and are
interested in moving this document forward to IESG for
publication. Let's have a read/write/arithmetic time with the draft
and send comments/questions/suggestions/etc to the list for the
authors to handle or, possibly just: "yea! move this document along!"
if you believe it's ready for the next step in it's lifecycle.

The WGLC should end 10/25/2016 - October 25th 2016.

The abstract for this document is:
  "In the Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI), certificate
   authorities publish certificates, including end entity certificates,
   Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL), and RPKI signed objects to
   repositories.  Relying Parties (RP) retrieve the published
   information from those repositories.  This document specifies a delta
   protocol which provides relying parties with a mechanism to query a
   repository for incremental updates, thus enabling the RP to keep its
   state in sync with the repository."
