[sidr] Date and type of the next (end of June/early July) interim
Alexey Melnikov <alexey.melnikov@isode.com> Fri, 25 May 2012 15:47 UTC
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Subject: [sidr] Date and type of the next (end of June/early July) interim
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Dear WG members, The WG needs to decide about the date and type of the next interim (after June 6th). The earlier proposal stated June 29th. Are people happy with this date or do they want to propose an alternative? Note that we are more flexible this time, because this is not tied to any other industry event. We also need to decide on whether this should be a physical interim with remote participants or fully virtual interim (e.g. everybody is using WebEx or something similar). Please reply to this message, sending your comments to the mailing list or directly to chairs (sidr-chairs@tools.ietf.org) Best Regards, Alexey, on behalf of SIDR chairs.
- [sidr] Date and type of the next (end of June/ear… Alexey Melnikov
- Re: [sidr] Date and type of the next (end of June… Randy Bush
- Re: [sidr] Date and type of the next (end of June… Alexey Melnikov
- Re: [sidr] Date and type of the next (end of June… Randy Bush
- Re: [sidr] Date and type of the next (end of June… Samuel Weiler
- Re: [sidr] Date and type of the next (end of June… Murphy, Sandra
- Re: [sidr] Date and type of the next (end of June… Roque Gagliano (rogaglia)
- [sidr] Summary: another interim on June 29th Alexey Melnikov