Re: [sidr] are audio archive files for the ietf 83 sessions available?
"Murphy, Sandra" <> Thu, 31 May 2012 15:09 UTC
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From: "Murphy, Sandra" <>
To: p krishnaswamy <>, "" <>
Thread-Topic: [sidr] are audio archive files for the ietf 83 sessions available?
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Speaking as regular ol' member I find audio files at and that work for me. Are those the files you were trying to access? If not, do these work for you? I got there from the ietf home page by: Proceedings IETF83 Routing Area sidr Audio Archives That got me to a page that lists all the mp3s for all working groups. Figuring out which are the sidr archives means knowing the room, date and time that sidr met. You can get that from the agenda that is at the top of the ietf83 page. The IETF audio archives are taken from the room audio, not any telecon that is part of the wg meeting. (I praise and thank the volunteers that manage to get the venue audio patched into the web stream and the audio archive, btw.) So anything spoken at or near a mike is archived for posterity (*) but audio from remote participants needs to be broadcast near a mike. --Sandy, speaking as regular ol' wg member (*) The mikes are on and being archived even during breaks, something to keep in mind. ________________________________ From: [] on behalf of p krishnaswamy [] Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 5:44 PM To: Subject: [sidr] are audio archive files for the ietf 83 sessions available? Hi, I am looking for some detail on the IETF 83 Sidr discussions. It looked as if audio proceedings for IETF 83 were still online as there is html that says 'audio stream' next to the session times on <> but when the link for audio stream next to each session time is clicked, the message from whichever player is being used says the file has moved or does not exist. Have the audio files been scrapped (storage etc.)?or did they never exist because skype didnt work ? Thanks Padma Krishnaswamy
- [sidr] are audio archive files for the ietf 83 se… p krishnaswamy
- Re: [sidr] are audio archive files for the ietf 8… Murphy, Sandra
- Re: [sidr] are audio archive files for the ietf 8… Murphy, Sandra