[sidr] Fwd: New Version Notification for draft-ymbk-rpki-rtr-protocol-mib-02.txt
"Bert Wijnen (IETF)" <bertietf@bwijnen.net> Tue, 01 November 2011 08:42 UTC
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Subject: [sidr] Fwd: New Version Notification for draft-ymbk-rpki-rtr-protocol-mib-02.txt
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Hi SIDR people, We have merged the two earlier MIB modules into one. It has undergone quite a set of changes. I think it would be good to review and discuss it at the upcoming IETF meeting. We have not yet defined the objects that extend the bgp4 MIB to show if a route is valid, invalid or notfound. That could possible also contain a set of counters. Anyway, that is work to be done. Bert -------- Original Message -------- Subject: New Version Notification for draft-ymbk-rpki-rtr-protocol-mib-02.txt Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2011 06:04:06 -0700 From: internet-drafts@ietf.org To: randy@psg.com CC: randy@psg.com, keyupate@cisco.com, michael.baer@sparta.com, bertietf@bwijnen.net A new version of I-D, draft-ymbk-rpki-rtr-protocol-mib-02.txt has been successfully submitted by Randy Bush and posted to the IETF repository. Filename: draft-ymbk-rpki-rtr-protocol-mib Revision: 02 Title: Definitions of Managed Objects for the RPKI-Router Protocol Creation date: 2011-10-31 WG ID: Individual Submission Number of pages: 23 Abstract: This document defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB) for use with network management protocols in the Internet community. In particular, it describes objects used for monitoring the RPKI Router protocol. The IETF Secretariat
- [sidr] Fwd: New Version Notification for draft-ym… Bert Wijnen (IETF)
- Re: [sidr] Fwd: New Version Notification fordraft… t.petch
- Re: [sidr] Fwd: New Version Notification fordraft… Bert Wijnen (IETF)