[sidr] agenda for upcoming interim meeting

"Murphy, Sandra" <Sandra.Murphy@sparta.com> Mon, 30 January 2012 23:34 UTC

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From: "Murphy, Sandra" <Sandra.Murphy@sparta.com>
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I have received a couple of requests to present at the upcoming interim meeting.

This is intended to be a meeting for energetic discussion of the two topic areas.  This may be aided if people make presentations of their view of the problem or a particular solution.  But as the intent is to have energetic discussion, presentations will be hard limited in time, both individually and in total.  

If you would like to have the wg consider a view of the problem, please send email to BOTH CHAIRS.

I would like to limit this to no more than 10 minutes per speaker and no more than 4 speakers in each 3.5 hour block.  More speakers means less time per presentation, fewer speakers means less total time for presentations.

--Sandy, speaking as wg co-chair.