[sidr] Collecting your own statistics on the RPKI repository infrastructure

Rob Austein <sra@hactrn.net> Wed, 30 May 2012 00:12 UTC

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Those who are interested in performing their own measurements on the
current RPKI infrastructure might be interested in the current version
of the rcynic-html tool which ships with our (rpki.net) validation

This is a follow-on to some of the earlier measurement work we've been
doing.  The intent is to make it practical for people to collect and
graph their own statistics, since it's become clear that some of the
measurement results are highly sensitive to where one sits on the
global network.

To use this, download and build our software (see documentation),
configure rcynic and rcynic-html to run hourly under cron (ditto), and
let it run for a while to collect some history.  rcynic-html stores
what we think are the most useful measurements in a collection of rrd
databases (see rrdtool, mrtg) and includes graphs of the result in its

Software is at


If you're allergic to private trust anchors, see


Sample of the output, from the same rcynic instance which generated
the graphs I've presented at the last two IEPG meetings.  Since I've
been saving the XML files from this particular rcynic instance anyway,
I was able to feed the last seven months of history into rcynic-html,
so this gives some idea of what one might see after leaving it running
for a while.
