Re: [Sidrops] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidrops-validating-bgp-speaker
Ruediger Volk <rv@NIC.DTAG.DE> Sat, 08 September 2018 02:19 UTC
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To: Christopher Morrow <>
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Date: Sat, 08 Sep 2018 04:19:47 +0200
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Subject: Re: [Sidrops] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidrops-validating-bgp-speaker
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X-List-Received-Date: Sat, 08 Sep 2018 02:19:52 -0000
> Howdy WG folk! > The authors of: draft-ietf-sidrops-validating-bgp-speaker > are thinking their draft is ready to move forward, there hasn't been > significant conversation about this document since the last meeting in > Montreal... so: I believe this looked much more innocent (just the document name?) at the adoption call (and slipped under my radar - like too many things). This draft is not acceptable for a number (>1) of reasons. The primary being: it introduces security problems by carrying security information over uncontrolled paths without securing authenticity. By choosing extended community as the container for the unauthenticated information the problem is made worse, because for a long time we cannot assume that operator will have methods operational for controlling propagation of that unauthenticated security information; and the draft does not seem to propose or consider any methods and practices for controlling and limiting propagation - except . To illustrate the class of problem I give an example: I'm operating AS64510. Anybody connected to the global BGP can inject routes with the proposed extended community or (using special hacked BGP) the extended community to routes it propagates indicating whatever validation state suits their purpose and indicate that high reputation AS64510 is source of the validation state. Now AS64510 does not even has a way diagnosing presence or removing of that fake information; note: for handling extended communities vendors actually have to spin code - even to support generic policy primitives such as delete or match (as a decision criterium). The security considerations are certainly seriously incomplete. Explicit and prominent note of transitive propagation of unauthenticated security information MUST be added (even a reference to general BGP security analysis that warns about missing authencation and authenticity of BGP routes and attributes is missing!). Some consideration of the trust relations involved with signaling the extended community or using it as a relying party in local policy would be needed. >From that point of view it looks strange that no mention of the relying party controlling which source over which path it trusts. While searching through the document for the security handling I came across quite some spots that looked like somewhat fuzzy in terminology or otherwise lacking - not ready for publication. In some protocol proposals it is a good idea to clearly identify the functions of implementations that need configuration, and whether the default should be ON or OFF. Here it quite definitely ought to be default OFF! I believe the draft should be declared dead; perhaps after a final spin that inserts a security warning.. Discussion of requirements and reasonable approaches to reduce operational burden of origin validation may be needed. However this draft not help for that! The basic signal flow idea of this draft could be handled easily in already available/deployed router software with user configured policy with much better control; someone desperate could be using it in a months time ./. waiting more than a year for new router software version. + we should help the vendors to focus on fixing and completing the standard RPKI OV functionality (think clarify-ov) and avoid diverting energy and attention to another new feature. Different approaches to outsourcing of the security function may be more secure and much easier to configure. Documenting a solution obviously would be helpful to some and could help to avoid some bad security designs. Ruediger Volk
- [Sidrops] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidrops-validating-bg… Christopher Morrow
- Re: [Sidrops] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidrops-validatin… Nick Hilliard
- Re: [Sidrops] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidrops-validatin… Job Snijders
- Re: [Sidrops] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidrops-validatin… Randy Bush
- Re: [Sidrops] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidrops-validatin… Daniel Kopp
- Re: [Sidrops] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidrops-validatin… Daniel Kopp
- Re: [Sidrops] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidrops-validatin… Nick Hilliard
- Re: [Sidrops] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidrops-validatin… Randy Bush
- Re: [Sidrops] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidrops-validatin… Christopher Morrow
- Re: [Sidrops] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidrops-validatin… Nick Hilliard
- Re: [Sidrops] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidrops-validatin… Randy Bush
- Re: [Sidrops] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidrops-validatin… Job Snijders
- Re: [Sidrops] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidrops-validatin… Nick Hilliard
- Re: [Sidrops] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidrops-validatin… Randy Bush
- Re: [Sidrops] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidrops-validatin… Job Snijders
- Re: [Sidrops] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidrops-validatin… Christopher Morrow
- Re: [Sidrops] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidrops-validatin… Daniel Kopp
- Re: [Sidrops] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidrops-validatin… Job Snijders
- Re: [Sidrops] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidrops-validatin… Nick Hilliard
- Re: [Sidrops] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidrops-validatin… Nick Hilliard
- Re: [Sidrops] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidrops-validatin… Daniel Kopp
- Re: [Sidrops] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidrops-validatin… Ruediger Volk
- Re: [Sidrops] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidrops-validatin… Christopher Morrow
- Re: [Sidrops] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidrops-validatin… Randy Bush
- Re: [Sidrops] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidrops-validatin… Nick Hilliard
- Re: [Sidrops] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidrops-validatin… Daniel Kopp
- Re: [Sidrops] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidrops-validatin… Jakob Heitz (jheitz)
- Re: [Sidrops] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidrops-validatin… Randy Bush
- Re: [Sidrops] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidrops-validatin… Nick Hilliard
- Re: [Sidrops] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidrops-validatin… Borchert, Oliver (Fed)
- Re: [Sidrops] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidrops-validatin… Randy Bush
- Re: [Sidrops] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidrops-validatin… Borchert, Oliver (Fed)
- Re: [Sidrops] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidrops-validatin… Christopher Morrow
- Re: [Sidrops] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidrops-validatin… Randy Bush
- Re: [Sidrops] WGLC - draft-ietf-sidrops-validatin… Borchert, Oliver (Fed)