[Sidrops] RRDP / RSYNC / Other?

Christopher Morrow <christopher.morrow@gmail.com> Fri, 12 January 2024 03:53 UTC

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From: Christopher Morrow <christopher.morrow@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2024 22:52:55 -0500
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Subject: [Sidrops] RRDP / RSYNC / Other?
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Howdy WG folks,
The 'prefer rrdp' draft has been sitting(expired)  for a while, I had
thought when the document started life there was a set of good reasons
for this plan. I think I still want to prefer 'not rsync' on my RP
deployment :)

I believe that a longer term goal for rrdp (and the draft in question)
was to eventually decommission/deprecate the RSYNC code paths, as

In light of the original reasonings for RRDP development:
  * standard(ized) transport protocol (http)
  * scalability and cacheability of the content
  * easier to inspect/debug service(s)
  (there may be others,  don't think right now its important that there are)

and the original arguments against RSYNC as the protocol for long term use:
  * how could this possibly scale!
  * i can ship random bits  to all RPs and they can't NOT accept them
  * wow is this a bear to deal with in a programmatic manner!
  (there may be others, not important right now what they are)

Is it time that we fresh-slate thought about this problem?
I believe we CAN swap in 'anything' that has a URL type naming/pointing form
  (perhaps we would need to define new url protocols, but...)
I think if we had a solid option, with running code we could talk
about removing rsync, preferring rrdp and testing the 'new thing'...
or some form of that ordering.

Should we take up a discussion and work to investigate a RRDP replacement?
