[Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validation
Ben Maddison <benm@workonline.africa> Thu, 03 December 2020 22:42 UTC
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Subject: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validation
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Hi all, As a result of the incident last night that caused the number of VRPs output by some RPs (certainly routinator, possibly others too) to drop dramatically, a couple of us have been going over the observed behaviour in comparison with the current text of 6486-bis. It appears from Job's analysis [1] that the incident was triggered when several resource certs that were listed on an APNIC issued manifest became invalid due to their 'notAfter' time expiring, which in turn caused the affected RPs to consider the manifest invalid and fail the fetch. It should be perfectly legitimate for a manifest to list objects which will become invalid during the lifetime of the manifest, or which are not yet valid when the manifest is generated (for pre-staging). The presence of such objects should not invalidate the manifest. I think there are at least two places that need an update in light of this: Section 6.4 states: """ If there are files listed in the manifest that cannot be retrieved from the publication point, or if they fail the validity tests specified in [RFC6488], the fetch has failed and the RP MUST proceed to Section 6.7 """ The reference should probably be to both RFC6487 and RFC6488, as the former provides the validation details for .cer and .crl objects, which are presumably intended to be included in this step. Additionally, due to the values in the 'notBefore' and 'notAfter' in a Resource of EE cert, an object that was legitimately included in a manifest may become invalid when processed later in the manifests lifetime by an RP. I would therefore suggest the following revision: """ ... if they fail the validity tests specified in [RFC6487] and [RFC6488], with the exception of the checks against certificate Validity From and To values described in Section 7.2 of [RFC6487], the fetch has failed ... """ Although not directly related to the current problem, the list of objects in section 6.4 for which the ability to process is mandatory should perhaps be reduced to those in general circulation today, and not include BGPsec certs or ghostbuster records, since those add approximately zero utility to an operator who wishes to run an RP today, and are therefore unlikely to be priorities for implementation. Next, section 6.6 states: """ If a current manifest contains entries for objects that are not within the scope of the manifest (Section 6.2), the fetch has failed and the RP SHOULD proceed to Section 6.7 """ I believe that the reference to 6.2 is a typo, and should point to section 2: """ A manifest associated with a CA's repository publication point contains a list of: o the set of (non-expired, non-revoked) certificates issued and published by this CA, o the most recent CRL issued by this CA, and o all published signed objects that are verifiable using EE certificates [RFC6487] issued by this CA. """ The term "non-expired" begs the question of whether a certificate should be non-expired at the time of manifest generation or RP processing to be in scope. On the one hand, insisting that a listed certificate be valid throughout the manifest lifetime is what gave rise to the failure described above, and is clearly, IMO, the wrong choice. On the other, insisting that a certificate be valid at the time of manifest generation precludes certificates which have not yet reached their notBefore time. Validating as if "at manifest generation" also appears to contravene the guidance in section 4.6.1 of RFC6487: """ Relying Parties SHOULD NOT attempt to infer from this time information that a certificate was valid at a time in the past, or that it will be valid at a time in the future, as the scope of an RP's test of validity of a certificate refers specifically to validity at the current time. """ As above, therefore, I would suggest that rather than choosing either of the above options, the question of temporal expiry should be left out of manifest validation altogether. Thus point one of section 2 becomes: """ A manifest associated with a CA's repository publication point contains a list of: o the set of non-revoked certificates issued and published by this CA, o the most recent CRL issued by this CA, and o all published signed objects that are verifiable using EE certificates [RFC6487] issued by this CA. The list MUST include any objects that have a validity period that overlaps the period between the thisUpdate and nextUpdate times of the manifest. ... """ There may be other parts of the text that are similarly in need of update or clarification on this point: I'll update if I find any. Hopefully the above makes sense. Please let me know if anything is unclear. Cheers, Ben [1]: https://lists.nlnetlabs.nl/pipermail/rpki/2020-December/000245.html
- [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validation Ben Maddison
- Re: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validati… George Michaelson
- Re: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validati… Martin Hoffmann
- Re: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validati… Job Snijders
- Re: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validati… Tim Bruijnzeels
- Re: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validati… Ties de Kock
- Re: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validati… Job Snijders
- Re: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validati… Ties de Kock
- Re: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validati… Tim Bruijnzeels
- Re: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validati… Job Snijders
- Re: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validati… Job Snijders
- Re: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validati… Ties de Kock
- Re: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validati… Benno Overeinder
- Re: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validati… Job Snijders
- Re: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validati… Job Snijders
- Re: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validati… Tim Bruijnzeels
- Re: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validati… Lukas Tribus
- Re: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validati… Job Snijders
- Re: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validati… Tim Bruijnzeels
- Re: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validati… Job Snijders
- Re: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validati… Tony Tauber
- [Sidrops] www.rpkiviews.org - geographically dive… Job Snijders
- Re: [Sidrops] www.rpkiviews.org - geographically … Tim Bruijnzeels
- Re: [Sidrops] www.rpkiviews.org - geographically … Job Snijders