[Sidrops] Re: WG Adoption call for draft-sriram-sidrops-spl-verification - ENDS 06/03/2024 (June 3 2024)
Amir Herzberg <amir.lists@gmail.com> Mon, 27 May 2024 03:05 UTC
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Subject: [Sidrops] Re: WG Adoption call for draft-sriram-sidrops-spl-verification - ENDS 06/03/2024 (June 3 2024)
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I've read the draft and have the following comments. 1. I think the draft doesn't clearly distinguish between (intentional) attacks and unintentional misconfigurations. I think that the authors really meant, mostly or always, to prevent unintentional misconfigurations, in which case, their use of the term `attack' is confusing. Changing the term should be easy. 2. An exception is the 4th reason, i.e., when a prefix owner publishes ROA for AS 7 and some prefix 1.2.3/24 but AS 7 doesn't announce 1.2.3/24. In this case, attacker could do origin hijack of 1.2.3/24 by announcing it with origin AS 7 (and itself as the next AS). I understand the motivation of supporting direct server return (DSR) using BAR-SAV, where we want a ROA to exist without announcing the prefix. However, is SPV the best mechanism to deal with this? I think a better alternative would be an extension to the ROA mechanism. This extension will define a `conditional ROA'. This conditional ROA will also contain the result of a hash function h(x) over some random x. You can use the conditional ROA in two ways: - without the preimage x: such ROA will not make announcements for AS 7 and 1.2.3/24 valid. However, it could be used to allow DSR , i.e., it would be considered for BAR-SAV filtering. - with the preimage x, provided as a transitive BGP attribute or otherwise: this turns the conditional ROA into regular ROA. best, Amir -- Amir Herzberg Comcast professor of Security Innovations, Computer Science and Engineering, University of Connecticut Homepage: https://sites.google.com/site/amirherzberg/home `Applied Introduction to Cryptography and Cybersecurity' textbook: https://sites.google.com/site/amirherzberg/crypto-cyber-book
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- [Sidrops] Re: WG Adoption call for draft-sriram-s… Amir Herzberg
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- [Sidrops] Re: WG Adoption call for draft-sriram-s… Sriram, Kotikalapudi (Fed)
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