[Sidrops] Re: Deb Cooley's No Objection on draft-ietf-sidrops-signed-tal-15: (with COMMENT)

Russ Housley <housley@vigilsec.com> Wed, 15 May 2024 14:54 UTC

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I was not confused when I read this document and implemented the ASN.1 module.  However, I do think that we will be more clear to a broader audience by distinguishing "public key" and "private key"' in all of our documents.

Not wearing any hats,

> On May 14, 2024, at 7:53 AM, Deb Cooley via Datatracker <noreply@ietf.org> wrote:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thanks to Linda Dunbar for her valuable secdir review.
> Nits, or just observations:
> General:  This is just me, no action required (I am a PKI person, so I am
> pedantic on occasion).  I find the use of 'key' vice 'public key' to be a bit
> confusing.  There should be a distinction between 'private keys' and 'public
> keys' and the generic us of 'key' doesn't do that (in fact, I think most people
> think of 'key' as synonymous with 'private key').  I gather from reading this
> draft and poking around at the RPKI RFCs that the use of 'Key' is common
> terminology, so it would be confusing to change that now.  If there was ever an
> opportunity to clarify, it would be nice (maybe in the intro, para 2?).
> Section 2, para 3:  This is confusing?  "... will first validate the TAK
> object, if present. ... If the TAK object lists only a current key....continues
> processing as it would in the absence of a TAK object.... if the TAK object
> includes a successor key... continues processing as it would in the absence of
> a TAK object."  Does processing of the TAK object happen elsewhere?  While
> other processing occurs?  If there is a TAK object, then why do you need the
> phrase 'continues processing as it would in the absence of a TAK object'?
> Section 7:  Thanks for this.  It wasn't clear to me just how many TAK objects
> would have to exist to move from a current to successor key.   This section
> helps clarify.