[Sidrops] www.rpkiviews.org - geographically diverse vantage points
Job Snijders <job@sobornost.net> Mon, 04 January 2021 19:40 UTC
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From: Job Snijders <job@sobornost.net>
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On Mon, Jan 04, 2021 at 12:10:54PM -0500, Tony Tauber wrote: > > At this URL http://rpkiviews.org/ i am trying to re-publish data I > > collected after having made some attempt with OpenBSD's 'rpki-client' to > > validate the RPKI data. > > > > one view: > > > > http://www.rpkiviews.org/adrian.sobornost.net/rpkidata/2020/12/01/ > > > > and a bit later I added a second instance with a different view: > > > > http://josephine.sobornost.net/josephine.sobornost.net/rpkidata/2021/01/01/ > > Nice work. > When you say "different view", what does that mean? > The structure of the data is different or the location in the internet > where the collection was performed from ("vantage point"?) was different? You are spot on, its just the location that is different. It'll be important to keep an eye on 'the RPKI' from multiple angles in the default-free zone. I imagine we have to include in the risk model how cache instances Relying Parties might see different objects coming out of publication servers depending on where they are connected to the Internet. Citing RFC 7115 Section 6: """ Like the DNS, the global RPKI presents only a loosely consistent view, depending on timing, updating, fetching, etc. Thus, one cache or router may have different data about a particular prefix than another cache or router. There is no 'fix' for this, it is the nature of distributed data with distributed caches. """ As we can't 'fix' it, at least we can monitor and record it (just like the weather! :-). Adrian.sobornost.net is generously hosted by NTT in their Dallas, TX, USA facility. Josephine.sobornost.net is generously hosted by XS4ALL in their Amsterdam, NL facility. I've updated the page to provide more detail. > (The latter perhaps being interesting should reachability of any TALs or > Publication Points be different.) yup! *** REQUEST TO THE GROUP *** If others are willing to set up similarly structured data collection efforts, I can help in two ways: 1) add links towards such initiatives from the www.rpkiviews.org page. 2) I myself can configure your data collection server through SSH, all that is required is a POSIX compliant system with... LOTS of disk space. It would be incredible valuable to have public viewpoints located in the African, Asian, and South American segments of the Internet. Kind regards, Job
- [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validation Ben Maddison
- Re: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validati… George Michaelson
- Re: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validati… Martin Hoffmann
- Re: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validati… Job Snijders
- Re: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validati… Tim Bruijnzeels
- Re: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validati… Ties de Kock
- Re: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validati… Job Snijders
- Re: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validati… Ties de Kock
- Re: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validati… Tim Bruijnzeels
- Re: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validati… Job Snijders
- Re: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validati… Job Snijders
- Re: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validati… Ties de Kock
- Re: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validati… Benno Overeinder
- Re: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validati… Job Snijders
- Re: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validati… Job Snijders
- Re: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validati… Tim Bruijnzeels
- Re: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validati… Lukas Tribus
- Re: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validati… Job Snijders
- Re: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validati… Tim Bruijnzeels
- Re: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validati… Job Snijders
- Re: [Sidrops] 6486bis: referenced object validati… Tony Tauber
- [Sidrops] www.rpkiviews.org - geographically dive… Job Snijders
- Re: [Sidrops] www.rpkiviews.org - geographically … Tim Bruijnzeels
- Re: [Sidrops] www.rpkiviews.org - geographically … Job Snijders