[Sidrops] IETF108 -- Online -- Call for Agenda Items
Nathalie Trenaman <nathalie@ripe.net> Mon, 06 July 2020 08:41 UTC
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Hi all, SIDROPS will meet at IETF108 on Monday, July 27th from 13:00 – 13:50 UTC. Please forward any SIDROPS agenda items you may have to Keyur, Chris and me. Please also make sure that your slides are available to the chairs by Thursday morning (23 July). Slides received after the deadline may not be available for use during the meeting. Regards, Chris, Keyur and Nathalie
- [Sidrops] IETF108 -- Online -- Call for Agenda It… Nathalie Trenaman
- Re: [Sidrops] IETF108 -- Online -- Call for Agend… Di Ma
- Re: [Sidrops] IETF108 -- Online -- Call for Agend… Keyur Patel