Minor issue in draft-ietf-sieve-spamtestbis-02.txt
Ned Freed <ned.freed@mrochek.com> Tue, 30 May 2006 17:10 UTC
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Date: Tue, 30 May 2006 10:08:23 -0700
From: Ned Freed <ned.freed@mrochek.com>
Subject: Minor issue in draft-ietf-sieve-spamtestbis-02.txt
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I just noticed that although the draft makes heavy use of the relational :value match type, it says nothing about how :count should be handled. I suggest adding a note to say that the "count value" is 1 if there's a spamtest or virustest result to check, 0 otherwise. Ned
- Status of Sieve Include extension Aaron Stone
- Re: Status of Sieve Include extension Ned Freed
- Minor issue in draft-ietf-sieve-spamtestbis-02.txt Ned Freed
- Re: Status of Sieve Include extension Alexey Melnikov
- Re: Minor issue in draft-ietf-sieve-spamtestbis-0… Mark E. Mallett
- Re: Minor issue in draft-ietf-sieve-spamtestbis-0… Ned Freed
- Re: Minor issue in draft-ietf-sieve-spamtestbis-0… Cyrus Daboo
- Re: Minor issue in draft-ietf-sieve-spamtestbis-0… Alexey Melnikov