[sip-http-events] Fwd: Protocol Action: 'A SIP Event Package for Subscribing to Changes to an HTTP Resource' to Proposed Standard
Adam Roach <adam@nostrum.com> Mon, 08 February 2010 19:05 UTC
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FYI: The IESG has approved the SIP HTTP Subscription Package for publication. It should appear in the RFC Editor's Queue shortly. /a -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Protocol Action: 'A SIP Event Package for Subscribing to Changes to an HTTP Resource' to Proposed Standard Date: Mon, 8 Feb 2010 09:11:04 -0800 (PST) From: The IESG <iesg-secretary@ietf.org> To: IETF-Announce <ietf-announce@ietf.org> CC: Internet Architecture Board <iab@iab.org>, RFC Editor <rfc-editor@rfc-editor.org> The IESG has approved the following document: - 'A SIP Event Package for Subscribing to Changes to an HTTP Resource ' <draft-roach-sip-http-subscribe-07.txt> as a Proposed Standard This document has been reviewed in the IETF but is not the product of an IETF Working Group. The IESG contact person is Alexey Melnikov. A URL of this Internet-Draft is: http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-roach-sip-http-subscribe-07.txt Technical Summary This document defines a mechanism whereby the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Event Framework can be used to provide notification of changes to the state of resources available through the Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP). This facilitates the development of applications that provide near real time updates to information through HTTP without frequent polling or continuously open transport connections. Working Group Summary This is not a Working Group document - it is an individual submission, but has received review from participants active in the SIP and HTTP communities. Based on discussion on the DISPATCH working group list during the summer of 2009, a consensus was reached that it was close enough to complete that a Working Group was not needed, but a separate list [1] was created to complete the work. Document Quality There is not yet significant implementation of this protocol, but it has been incorporated as a key component in the SIP Forum User Agent Configuration Recommendation (currently in SIP Forum Last Call); a number of implementations of that recommendation are believed to be in progress. [1] http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/sip-http-events/current/maillist.html Personnel Scott Lawrence<scottlawrenc@avaya.com> is the Document Shepherd. Alexey Melnikov is the Responsible Area Director. _______________________________________________ IETF-Announce mailing list IETF-Announce@ietf.org https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ietf-announce