Re: [sip-http-events] HTTP Subscribe: Remaining Open Issue
"Elwell, John" <> Mon, 23 November 2009 17:43 UTC
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From: "Elwell, John" <>
To: Adam Roach <>, SIP HTTP Subscription Package <>
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2009 18:42:57 +0100
Thread-Topic: [sip-http-events] HTTP Subscribe: Remaining Open Issue
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For the UA config application I would not see a need for this option, because data could potentially be rather large. Although for the BLISS application there might be a marginal benefit in having this option, in the interests of simplicity I have a slight leaning towards omitting the option. John ________________________________ From: [] On Behalf Of Adam Roach Sent: 23 November 2009 17:03 To: SIP HTTP Subscription Package Subject: [sip-http-events] HTTP Subscribe: Remaining Open Issue There has been increasing interest in having a finalized version of draft-roach-sip-http-subscribe ready for publication. I have a couple of open items myself (mostly, generation of example messages), but there is one open item called out in the draft at the moment. I expect to take care of these in the near future, and request publication as soon as feasible. Currently, the package mentions that notifications of HTTP resource state changes don't include the actual resource state -- although it leaves open the possibility that someone may define an extension to do so in the future; the relevant text is: When used in the HTTP monitor event package, the message/http MUST NOT contain a message-body component, unless the corresponding subscription has explicitly indicated the desire to receive such bodies in the form of a filter. Filters for this event package are out of scope for this specification. In section 3.2, we ask whether this document should define a simple filter parameter (e.g., "body=true") that would request that event state changes include the new resource state. I *suspect* this would be a very straightforward thing to define, and it may be quite useful for certain usages (e.g., some of the proposed BLISS applications have very, very small documents -- on the order of 4 to 40 characters or so), as it would save the HTTP round-trip. On the other hand, the prospect of pushing large HTTP documents through the SIP network may prove problematic. (If we define this mechanism, I would definitely propose that including this in a SUBSCRIBE is simply a request, and give the server the option of declining to honor it). If you have an opinion one way or another about this topic, please post is to the list. The current version of the document is here: /a
- [sip-http-events] HTTP Subscribe: Remaining Open … Adam Roach
- Re: [sip-http-events] HTTP Subscribe: Remaining O… Elwell, John
- Re: [sip-http-events] HTTP Subscribe: Remaining O… Theo Zourzouvillys
- Re: [sip-http-events] HTTP Subscribe: Remaining O… Shida Schubert
- Re: [sip-http-events] HTTP Subscribe: Remaining O… Hutton, Andrew
- Re: [sip-http-events] HTTP Subscribe: Remaining O… Salvatore Loreto
- Re: [sip-http-events] HTTP Subscribe: Remaining O… Adam Roach
- Re: [sip-http-events] HTTP Subscribe: Remaining O… Rifaat Shekh-Yusef
- Re: [sip-http-events] HTTP Subscribe: Remaining O… Adam Roach