[sip-http-events] SIP HTTP Event Package: Path Forward
Adam Roach <adam@nostrum.com> Tue, 24 November 2009 22:05 UTC
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To give everyone an overview of how I plan to progress this document: Alexy Melnikov (APPS AD) has agreed to sponsor this document for publication. I plan to spend next week finalizing the areas of the document that are known to be unfinished (the open issue that I posted about yesterday, plus finishing the examples and IANA sections, and adding a security considerations section). After this, I'll call for a final two-week final comment period (think of it kind of like a WGLC) on this mailing list. Pending resolution of any comments raised, I will hand it off to Alexy for review and publication. It is possible that this could happen in mid-December, but the upcoming holidays make it far more likely that this hand-off will occur early in January. That said, the preponderance of the mechanism is well-documented (in my opinion, at least), and is definitely ready for review today. As an interested party, you have some impact on how quickly this progresses. Earlier comments means earlier resolution to issues. Also, substantial review of the document serves as a useful gauge to me regarding how urgently I should treat this document: no review tells me that there is no serious interest. If you have any stake in seeing this published sooner rather than later, it is in your interest to review and comment as soon as possible. /a