Re: [sipcore] Fwd: New Version Notification for draft-sparks-sipcore-refer-clarifications-03.txt

Ivo Sedlacek <> Wed, 13 August 2014 15:03 UTC

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From: Ivo Sedlacek <>
To: Robert Sparks <>, Andrew Allen <>, Adam Roach <>, "" <>
Thread-Topic: [sipcore] Fwd: New Version Notification for draft-sparks-sipcore-refer-clarifications-03.txt
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Subject: Re: [sipcore] Fwd: New Version Notification for draft-sparks-sipcore-refer-clarifications-03.txt
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> >> Your posited UA is going to reject out-of-dialog refers (at least in the context of a given dialog).
> >> Is it going to reject all refers?
> > If you meant REFERs related to dialogs created by the particular INVITE request, then:
> > - the UA rejects any out-of-dialog REFERs related to dialogs created 
> > by the particular INVITE request as stated in the question below; and
> > - the UA handles any in-dialog REFER received in a dialog created by the particular INVITE request according to RFC6665. The UA rejects any in-dialog REFER request that would result in an implicit subscription.
> Is this back to norefersub? Is your argument that you can accept the refer because you're the potential notifier and you know you won't take the path of norefersub that would create a subscription? If so, we may have a box around what we need to cover. If not, say more.

Could we focus on the next question (which seems to be the KEY question) and, after we solved it, return to this one?

> > If you also meant REFERs related to dialogs created by other INVITE request, then UA can accept or reject them within rules given by RFC6665.
> No, I was talking the the context of a given dialog.
> >
> >> If your UA did not provide a GRUU, it is (in the context of this dialog) not satisfying the requirements of 6665.
> >> ...
> >> The text you're proposing (if I've got it right) is trying to say "this UA is not using 6665 in the context of this dialog".
> > Can you please quote the RFC6665 requirement which the UA does not satisfy?
> The first sentence of 4.5.1.
> The clarification that Adam has signed up for well shine the light on that.
> If there is any potential for a UA to become a notifier for _any_ event package (not just refer, but think also dialog), it will need to provide a GRUU for any dialog it tries to enter.

RFC6665, section 4.5.1, 1st sentence states:   

	Notifiers MUST implement the Globally Routable User Agent URI (GRUU) extension defined in [RFC5627], and MUST use a GRUU as their local target.

Isn't notifier a role taken in subscription, applicable only for the dialog of the subscription?
The UA does not act as notifier in the dialogs created by the particular INVITE request. 
Thus, in my reading, the requirement does not apply for the particular INVITE request.
Or do I miss anything?

Kind regards

Ivo Sedlacek