Re: [sipcore] Fwd: New Version Notification for draft-sparks-sipcore-refer-clarifications-02.txt
Ivo Sedlacek <> Fri, 25 July 2014 06:49 UTC
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From: Ivo Sedlacek <>
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Thank you for taking my comment into account. I identified one more issue: ISSUE 2: section 3 states: ------------------------ A UA that supports receiving REFER needs to include a GRUU as a Contact in INVITE requests to ensure out-of-dialog REFER requests related to this dialog arrive at this UA. ------------------------ The above requirement is unnecessary in case the UA supports receiving only REFER requests sent within an existing dialog, for which the UA is certain that no implicit subscription will be created. Moreover, the 2nd part of the sentence discusses "out-of-dialog REFER requests related to this dialog" while 1st part discusses just "REFER". PROPOSAL 2: The requirement should be modified e.g. as follows: ------------------------ A UA that supports receiving an out-of-dialog REFER request related to a dialog created by an INVITE request needs to include a GRUU as a Contact in the INVITE request to ensure any out-of-dialog REFER requests related to a dialog created by the INVITE request arrive at this UA. ------------------------ Kind regards Ivo Sedlacek From: Robert Sparks [] Sent: 24. července 2014 23:36 To: Ivo Sedlacek; Subject: Re: [sipcore] Fwd: New Version Notification for draft-sparks-sipcore-refer-clarifications-02.txt Yes - thanks for the catch, and sorry for not tweaking that already (should have waited until next week). I'll send an update soon. RjS On 7/24/14, 6:50 AM, Ivo Sedlacek wrote: Hello, ISSUE: section 4 states: ------------------------ 4. Dialog reuse is prohibited As a direct consequence of requiring the use of GRUU, and the requirements in section 4.5.2 of RFC6665, sending a REFER that might result in an additional dialog usage within any existing dialog is prohibited. >>>A user agent constructing a REFER request MUST built it as an out-of- dialog message as defined in [RFC3261].<<< Thus, the REFER request will have no tag parameter in its To: header field. A user agent wishing to identify an existing dialog (such as for call transfer as defined in [RFC5589] MUST use the "Target-Dialog" extension defined in [RFC4538] to do so. >>>If a user agent can be certain that no implicit subscription will be created as a result of sending a REFER request (such as by requiring an extension that disallows any such subscription), the REFER request MAY be sent within an existing dialog.<<< Such a REFER will be constructed with its Contact header field populated with the dialog's Local URI as specified in section 12 of [RFC3261]. ------------------------ 2nd paragraph of the section 4 states unconditional UA procedure (MUST built it as an out-of-dialog message). 4th paragraph of the section 4 states an option for the UA (If a user agent can be certain ...., the REFER request MAY be sent within an existing dialog). It is not possible to create a UA which would use the option described in 4th paragraph and still be compliant to the statement in 2nd paragraph. PROPOSAL: The 2nd paragraph should be conditioned by a condition opposite to the one in the 4th paragraph. I.e. 2nd paragraph should be conditioned by "Unless a user agent can be certain that no implicit subscription will be created as a result of sending a REFER request (such as by requiring an extension that disallows any such subscription)," Kind regards Ivo Sedlacek From: sipcore [] On Behalf Of Robert Sparks Sent: 22. července 2014 0:24 To:<> Subject: [sipcore] Fwd: New Version Notification for draft-sparks-sipcore-refer-clarifications-02.txt This fixed the missing slide 3 text. RjS -------- Original Message -------- Subject: New Version Notification for draft-sparks-sipcore-refer-clarifications-02.txt Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 15:22:39 -0700 From:<> To: Robert Sparks <><>, "Adam Roach" <><>, Adam Roach <><>, "Robert Sparks" <><> A new version of I-D, draft-sparks-sipcore-refer-clarifications-02.txt has been successfully submitted by Robert Sparks and posted to the IETF repository. Name: draft-sparks-sipcore-refer-clarifications Revision: 02 Title: Clarifications for the use of REFER with RFC6665 Document date: 2014-07-21 Group: Individual Submission Pages: 4 URL: Status: Htmlized: Diff: Abstract: An accepted SIP REFER method creates an implicit subscription using the SIP-Specific Event Notification Framework. That framework was revised by RFC6665. This document highlights the implications of the requirement changes in RFC6665, and updates the definition of the REFER method, RFC3515, to clarify and disambiguate the impact of those changes. Please note that it may take a couple of minutes from the time of submission until the htmlized version and diff are available at The IETF Secretariat
- [sipcore] Fwd: New Version Notification for draft… Robert Sparks
- Re: [sipcore] Fwd: New Version Notification for d… Ivo Sedlacek
- Re: [sipcore] Fwd: New Version Notification for d… DOLLY, MARTIN C
- Re: [sipcore] Fwd: New Version Notification for d… Robert Sparks
- Re: [sipcore] Fwd: New Version Notification for d… Robert Sparks
- Re: [sipcore] Fwd: New Version Notification for d… Ivo Sedlacek
- Re: [sipcore] Fwd: New Version Notification for d… Andrew Allen
- Re: [sipcore] Fwd: New Version Notification for d… Andrew Allen
- Re: [sipcore] Fwd: New Version Notification for d… Ivo Sedlacek
- Re: [sipcore] Fwd: New Version Notification for d… Andrew Allen
- Re: [sipcore] Fwd: New Version Notification for d… Ivo Sedlacek
- Re: [sipcore] Fwd: New Version Notification for d… Andrew Allen
- Re: [sipcore] Fwd: New Version Notification for d… Christer Holmberg
- Re: [sipcore] Fwd: New Version Notification for d… Andrew Allen
- Re: [sipcore] Fwd: New Version Notification for d… Ivo Sedlacek
- Re: [sipcore] Fwd: New Version Notification for d… Robert Sparks
- Re: [sipcore] Fwd: New Version Notification for d… Christer Holmberg