Re: [sipcore] Fwd: New Version Notification for draft-sparks-sipcore-refer-clarifications-03.txt

Robert Sparks <> Wed, 30 July 2014 16:53 UTC

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On 7/30/14, 10:33 AM, Andrew Allen wrote:
> I have a general concern with the direction this is now going.
I don't think you have the backwards-compatibility concern quite right, 
but I agree that the current wording isn't there yet.
> Are we now saying here that it’s OK for a UA that supports receiving 
> REFER to arbitrarily reject any REFER that would create a subscription 
> (i.e be incompatible with RFC 3515 UACs by basically not supporting 
> RFC 3515 UAS compliant behavior)?
No, _this_ document is not defining new behavior. It's only clarifying 
what's already defined.

> According to RFC 3515
> 2.4.4 Using SIP Events to Report the Results of the Reference
>              The NOTIFY mechanism defined in [2] MUST be used to 
> inform the agent sending the REFER of the status of the reference.
> Therefore the ability to create an implicit subscription when accepting
FWIW, Accepting is the key word here.
> a REFER is mandatory behavior in RFC 3515 and is expected to be 
> supported by all RFC 3515 UACs
> I think before agreeing any wording here we should have a general 
> discussion on the principle of whether these extensions that allow 
> UACs to request that no implicit subscription can be effectively 
> required by REFER UAS to be supported at the UAC.
This, and what you have below, is a discussion we definitely need to 
have as part of the extension document.
It is not necessary to wait for that discussion to complete the 
clarifications document that talks about what the specs say _now_.

My discomfort with the current text is that we've made it complex to 
make it so that we don't have to update the document once the proposed 
extensions exist.
There are NO currently standardized cases where the exemption in the 
current text would be invoked, and I don't think people are trying to 
argue there are - I'm hearing that to get there, they expect to invoke 
the yet-to-be-defined extension.

So, lets go back to the slightly longer sentence that led to this:

A UA that will accept a subscription-creating REFER request needs to include
a GRUU as the Contact in all INVITE requests to ensure out-of-dialog 
REFER requests
related to any dialog created by the INVITE arrive at this UA.

In an attempt to be future-proof, that's introducing the potential for 
confusion about what the current standards define.
Let's remove that confusion.
Here's a proposed replacement, taking Adam's sentence simplification 
into account:

    A UA that will accept a REFER request needs to include
    a GRUU in the Contact header field of all INVITE requests.  This
    ensures that out-of-dialog REFER requests corresponding to any
    resulting INVITE dialogs arrive at this UA. Future extensions
    [draft-sparks-sipcore-refer-explicitsub] might relax this requirement
    by defining a REFER request that cannot create an implicit subscription.

Unless I hear objection soon, I'll rev the draft with that content.

> If so then I think we will need a new sip options tag (e.g 
> REFER-NOSUB) to be used in place of the REFER options tag so that a 
> RFC 3515 compliant UA that expects a NOTIFY to be sent upon receipt of 
> a REFER and that includes an Accept-Contact request to reach a UA that 
> supports REFER doesn’t end up at a UAS that doesn’t  support compliant 
> RFC 3515 behavior and ends up having its REFER requests rejected.
> My own view is that we should keep with the principle of backward 
> compatibility and that even when these no automatic subscription 
> extensions are supported that full support for RFC 3515 behavior is 
> continued.
> Andrew
> *From:*sipcore [] *On Behalf Of *Adam Roach
> *Sent:* Tuesday, July 29, 2014 11:19 AM
> *To:* Ivo Sedlacek; Robert Sparks;
> *Subject:* Re: [sipcore] Fwd: New Version Notification for 
> draft-sparks-sipcore-refer-clarifications-03.txt
> On 7/29/14 09:52, Ivo Sedlacek wrote:
>     Thus, the text should state:
>        In general, UAs that support receiving >>and accepting an
>     out-of-dialog<< REFER request >>corresponding to a dialog
>     established by an INVITE request<< need to include
>        a GRUU in the Contact header field of >>the<< INVITE request.  This
>        ensures that out-of-dialog REFER requests corresponding to any
>        resulting INVITE dialogs are routed to the correct user agent.  UAs
>        that will never create a implicit subscription in response to a
>     REFER
>        (that is, those that will reject any REFER that might result in an
>        implicit subscription) are exempted from this behavior.
> I helped with the phrasing here, and one of the goals here was to make 
> the first sentence cover the vast majority of the cases (hence "in 
> general"), with the exceptional cases described later. The problem was 
> that the overall concept was getting lost in a maze of twisty clauses: 
> the clarification had become worse than the source text; it was 
> actually more confusing.
> Your proposal returns it to this very confusing state, and is way, way 
> out into the realm of exceptional cases.
> So I'll counterpropose:
>     In general, UAs that support receiving REFER requests need to include
>     a GRUU in the Contact header field of all INVITE requests.  This
>     ensures that out-of-dialog REFER requests corresponding to any
>     resulting INVITE dialogs are routed to the correct user agent.  UAs
>     that will not create a implicit subscription in response to a REFER
>     for the resulting dialog(s) -- that is, those that will reject a
>     corresponding REFER that might result in an implicit subscription --
>     are exempted from this behavior.
> /a