[Sipping] Re: WGLC Review: draft-ietf-sipping-capacity-attribute-01.txt

Miguel Garcia <Miguel.An.Garcia@nokia.com> Thu, 21 September 2006 06:58 UTC

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Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2006 13:28:03 +0300
From: Miguel Garcia <Miguel.An.Garcia@nokia.com>
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To: Mary Barnes <mary.barnes@nortel.com>
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Subject: [Sipping] Re: WGLC Review: draft-ietf-sipping-capacity-attribute-01.txt
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Hi Mary.

Inline answers to your questions and comments.

Mary Barnes wrote:
> Draft:  draft-ietf-sipping-capacity-attribute-01.txt
> Reviewer: Mary Barnes
> Review Date: 19 Sept 2006
> Review Deadline: 19 Sept 2006
> Status: WGLC
> Summary: This draft is basically ready for publication, but has nits
> that should be fixed before publication and there's a couple questions
> for clarification.
> Question for clarification:
> ----------------------------
> 1.  Why do you need both the bcc and the cc with the anonymize
> attribute?  It seems that the bcc is more anonymous than the cc with the
> anonymize attribute (in my mind a bcc is an anonymous cc, but I'm not an
> email expert).  If there is a distinct reason, it should be clarified in
> the document, likely around the same place in the text that you'll be
> clarifying the purpose of the extension in general, as suggested by
> Brian Rosen. 

I agree that the difference between bcc and anonymize is subtle. Let's 
see if we agree on the the semantics, and then I will write a similar 
clarification in the draft.

If the sender qualifies a URI as 'bcc', the URI-list server will remove 
that URI from the list that goes attached to the request to each of the 
recipients. The recipient will not notice that one or more extra URIs 
received the request.

If the sender qualifies a URI as 'anonymize', the URI-list server will 
replace the URI by an anonymous one. The recipient will notice that 
there have been one or more extra recipients of the same request, but 
their URIs haven't been disclosed.

I think I will add some lines around the above ones clarifying the 

> 2.  Section 9.  A new SIP option-tag is mentioned in the first
> paragraph, but none is defined in this doc.  Is that a typo?

Of course, that is a copy-paste typo. There is no option tag defined by 
this document.

> General Comments:
> ------------------
> - Agree with the list discussion on changing the usage of the term
> "capacity" to "copyControl". 

Done in my working copy.

> Editorial nits:
> ----------------

I will fix the editorial nits as suggested.



Miguel A. Garcia           tel:+358-50-4804586
Nokia Research Center      Helsinki, Finland

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