[Sipping] session policy drafts

Volker Hilt <volkerh@bell-labs.com> Fri, 21 October 2005 04:19 UTC

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Subject: [Sipping] session policy drafts
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New versions of the session policy drafts are available. The drafts have 
a new structure to better reflect how the drafts have evolved. In 
addition, there is a new draft defining an event package for 
session-specific policies. Here is a brief overview over the drafts:

* Session Policy Framework
   - This draft combines the former session-specific and parts of the 
session-independent policy draft.
   - Specifies a framework for SIP session policies. It defines two 
types of session policies, session-specific and session-independent 
policies, and introduces a model, an overall architecture and the 
protocol components needed for session policies.
   - URL: 

* Event Package for Session-Specific Policies
   - This is a new draft that defines an event package for 
session-specific policies to be used on the policy channel.
   - This event package for session-specific session policies enables 
users to subscribe to policies for a SIP session and to receive 
notifications if the policies change.
  - URL: 

* Media Policy Data Set
   - XML document format for media policies that was contained in the 
session-independent policy draft.
   - Defines a document format for media properties of SIP sessions, 
such as the codecs or media types to be used.  This format can be used 
to define media properties in profile data sets and session policies.
   - URL: 

Comments and feedback are very welcome!

-- Volker

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