[Sipping] P2P and SIP

David Bryan <sip@bryan.cx> Sun, 05 December 2004 01:53 UTC

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From: David Bryan <sip@bryan.cx>
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Apologies if this is a duplicate post. I mistakenly sent the first one
from a non-subscribed account...

Hello Henning,

I have been working on a P2P SIP project as well. You may have seen
some the early internal William & Mary documents and talks from Nov.
2003 and onward on the web (I've been using the name SOSIMPLE). It
looks like your approach is extremely similar -- derived from a DHT
such as Chord.

Additionally, several of us (myself, Cullen Jennings, Adam Roach and a
few others) also discussed this topic quite a bit at IETF in Washington
and have had ongoing discussions about it. We are currently fleshing out
the details. I've started working on an experimental draft on the
subject, and have submitted to a few academic conferences for

I'd love for you, Kindan Singh, and anyone else who is interested to
work together on this.

--David Bryan

> From: Henning Schulzrinne <hgs@cs.columbia.edu>
> To: sip-implementors@cs.columbia.edu, sipping <sipping@ietf.org>
> Date: Sat, 04 Dec 2004 13:44:11 -0500
> Subject: [Sipping] Technical reports on Skype protocol analysis and
SIP in
> peer-to-peer mode
> We have written two technical reports that might be of interest to
> members of the list. Both can be found at
> http://www1.cs.columbia.edu/~library/2004.html
>    Peer-to-Peer Internet Telephony using SIP
>    Kundan Singh and Henning Schulzrinne
> describes how SIP, with trivial modifications, can operate as a fully
> peer-to-peer protocol, i.e., without per-domain servers. We describe a
> hybrid scenario where parts are in p2p mode, while others follow the
> more "traditional" proxy mode.
>    An Analysis of the Skype Peer-to-Peer Internet Telephony Protocol
>    Salman A. Baset and Henning Schulzrinne
> attempts to analyze how Skype works, constrained by the encryption of
> the protocol exchanges.
> We would appreciate comments on these documents.
> Henning

David Bryan

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