Re: [siprec] Comments on draft-ietf-siprec-callflows-06
"Ram Mohan R (rmohanr)" <> Fri, 10 June 2016 18:17 UTC
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From: "Ram Mohan R (rmohanr)" <>
To: Charles Armitage <>, "" <>, Dmitry Andreyev <>
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Subject: Re: [siprec] Comments on draft-ietf-siprec-callflows-06
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Hi all, Please find the diffs that addresses the WGLC comments received so far. Regards, Ram -----Original Message----- From: Cisco Employee <> Date: Wednesday, 8 June 2016 at 3:13 PM To: Charles Armitage <>, "" <> Cc: Julian Churchill <>, Ian Burniston <> Subject: Re: [siprec] Comments on draft-ietf-siprec-callflows-06 >Thanks a lot. Appreciate the good review. I will address these nits in the >next revision. > >Regards, >Ram > >From: siprec <> on behalf of Charles Armitage ><> >Date: Wednesday, 8 June 2016 at 2:35 PM >To: "" <> >Cc: Julian Churchill <>, Ian Burniston ><> >Subject: [siprec] Comments on draft-ietf-siprec-callflows-06 > > >Hi, > >Re: reviewing - draft-ietf-siprec-callflows-06 > >Mostly nits: > >Page 1: > >³This document lists call flows that has snapshot of metadata sent from a >Session Recording Client to Session Recording Server.² > >Try: >ŒThis document lists call flows with metadata snapshots sent from a >Session Recording Client to a Session Recording Server¹ > >Page 2: > >TOC: >³Turrent- Case: Multiple CS into single RS with mixed stream ³ > >Should be: > >³Turret- Case: Multiple CS into single RS with mixed stream² > >1. >Overview: >³This document lists few examples and shows the snapshots of metadata >sent from a Session Recording ClientŠ² > >Missing Œa¹: >³³This document lists few examples and shows the snapshots of metadata >sent from a Session Recording ClientŠ² > > >³For the sake of simplicity the entire Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) >[RFC3261] messages are not shown at various points , instead only > snippets of the SIP and Session Description Protocol (SDP)[RFC4566] >messages and the XML snapshot of metadata is shown.² > >Remove: > >³at various points² I don¹t think there is an example in the document >with a full SIP message (if there are there are very few). > >Page 3: > >3.1. Sample Call flow > >³The subsequent sections describes the snapshot of metadata sent from SRC >to SRS for each of the above transactions² > >Try: >³The subsequent sections describe the snapshot of metadata sent from SRC >to SRS for each of the above transactions² >(note: describes to describe) > > >³There may be multiple UPDATES/RE-INVITES mid call to indicates snapshots >of different CS changes. ³ > >Try: >³There may be multiple UPDATES/RE-INVITES mid call to indicate snapshots >of different CS changes. ³ >(note: indicates to indicate) > > > >³The subsequent sections in this document tries to list some example >metadata snapshots for three major categories.² > >Try: >³The subsequent sections in this document try to list some example >metadata snapshots for three major categories.² >(Note: tries to try) > > > >³Special flows like Turrent flows.² > >Should be: >³Special flows like Turret flows.² > > >3.2. Call Scenarios with SRC recording streams with out mixing > >Should be: >3.2. Call Scenarios with SRC recording streams without mixing > > >³This section describes few example flows where SRC can be a SIP-UA or >B2BUA as described in section 3 of [RFC7245]. ³ > >Remove Œfew¹ > >³The SRCs records the streams of each participant to SRS with out mixing > in this example .² > >With out should be without > >Also try: >³In this example the SRCs records the streams of each participant to SRS >without mixing.² > > >Page 7: > >3.2.2. Example 2: Hold/resume > >³A call between two participants Alice and Bob is established and a RS is >created for recording as in example1 . ³ > >Example1 should be example 1. > > >Page 13 > >3.2.3. Example 3:Call Transfer (RE-INVITE and REFER based) > >³Please note this is a optional message. An SRC may choose to just send >a INVITE with a new session element to implicitly indicate that the >participants are now part of a different CS with out sending >disassociation from the old CS. > ³ > >Try: > >³Please note this is an optional message. An SRC may choose to just send >an INVITE with a new session element to implicitly indicate that the >participants are now part of a different CS without sending >disassociation from the old CS. > ³ > >(Note: changes from Œa¹ to Œan¹ and Œwith out¹ to Œwithout¹) > >Page 15 > >3.2.3. Example 3:Call Transfer (RE-INVITE and REFER based) > >³The sipSessionID XML element in metadata snapshot now indicates Alice and >Carol in the (local, remote) uuid pair.² > >Should Alice actually be Bob? > > >Page 18 > >³In this use case each participant call into a conference server (say, an >MCU) to attend one of many conferences hosted on or managed by that >servers . ³ > >Try: >³In this use case each participant calls into a conference server (say, >an MCU) to attend one of many conferences hosted on or managed by that >server . ³ > >Note: Œcall to Œcalls¹ and Œservers¹ to Œserver¹ > > >³Media streams sent by each participant is received by all the other >participants in the conference. ³ > >Try: >³Media streams sent by each participant are received by all the other >participants in the conference. ³ > >Note: Œis¹ to Œare¹ > >Page 21: > >3.3.2. Example 2: Hold/resume with SRC recording by mixing streams > >³Assume a call between two participants Alice and Bob is established and >a RS is created for recording as in example 5. This is the > continuation of above use-case. One of the participants Bob puts >Alice hold and then resumes as part of the same CS. The send and > recv XML elements of a participant is used to indicate whether a >participant is contributing or not to a media stream. ³ > >Try: > >³This is the continuation of above use-case. Given a call between two >participants Alice and Bob is established and a RS is created for >recording as in example 5. One of the participants, Bob puts Alice hold >and then resumes as part of > the same CS. The send and recv XML elements of a participant are used >to indicate whether a participant is contributing or not to a media >stream. ³ > >Also replace Œabove use-case. Œ with ŒExample 1: Basic call with SRC >mixing streams¹ to remove the positional dependency > > >Page 24: > >3.3.3. Example 3: Metadata snapshot of joining/dropping of a participant >to a session > >³The below shows a snapshot sent from SRC to SRC in these case. Note >the SRC here can be a focus or a participant in the conference. In case >where the SRC is a participant it may learn the information required for >metadata by subscribing > to conference event package [RFC4575]. ³ > >Try: >³Below is a snapshot sent from SRC to SRC in this case. Note the SRC >here can be a Focus or a participant in the conference. In the case >where the SRC is a participant it may learn the information required for >metadata by subscribing > to conference event package [RFC4575]. ³ > >Note: Focus was capitalized in previous paragraphs. > > >Page 25: > >³ Assume Alice drops after some time from the conference. SRC >generates a new snapshot showing Alice disassociating from the session² > >Try: >³ Given Alice drops after some time from the conference. SRC generates a >new snapshot showing Alice disassociating from the session² > > >Page 26: > ><associate-time>2010-12-16T23:41:07Z</associate-time> >Should this be disassociate-time? > > >Page 27: > >³The section shows the snapshots of metadata for the cases there a >persistent RS exists between SRC and SRS. ³ > >Try: >³The section shows the snapshots of metadata for the cases where a >persistent RS exists between SRC and SRS. ³ > > >³Except disconnect case, the snapshot remains same as mentioned in >previous sections.² >Not sure what is meant here? >Perhaps: > >³Except in the disconnect case, the snapshot remains same as mentioned in >previous sections.² > > >Page 28: > ><disasociate -time>2010-12-16T23:41:07Z</disassociate-time> >Should be: ><disassociate -time>2010-12-16T23:41:07Z</disassociate-time> > >3.5. Turrent -Case: Multiple CS into single RS with mixed stream >Should be: >3.5. Turret -Case: Multiple CS into single RS with mixed stream > > >Page 29: > >³Lets take a example where there are two CS[CS1 and CS2]. ³ >Try: >³Taking an example where there are two CS [CS1 and CS2]. ³ > >³In of the CS(say CS1), SRC is Focus and in the other CS(say CS2), SRC >is just one of the participant of the conference.² >Try: >³One of the CS (e.g. CS1), SRC is Focus and the other CS (e.g. CS2), SRC >is just one of the participant of the conference.² > > >That¹s the lot. Like I say a lot of nits. Let me know if there is a better >way of submitting comments. > > >Charles Armitage >Technical Lead > > <> >Tel: >+44 (0)115 937 7100 >Bradmore Business Park, Loughborough Road, Bradmore, Nottingham, NG11 6QA, >United Kingdom > > | <> > <> ><> ><> ><> >This e-mail and any files transmitted with it contain information that may >be confidential or privileged, and are intended solely for the > use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are >not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, >distribution or use of the information is prohibited and you are required >to delete it from your systems. If you have > received this e-mail in error, please notify us by e-mail immediately. >Any opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily >represent the views of Red Box Recorders Limited. Registered office: Red >Box Recorders Limited, >Bradmore Business Park, Loughborough Road, > Bradmore, Nottinghamshire NG11 6QA. Registered in England No.4186453. > > > > >
- [siprec] Comments on draft-ietf-siprec-callflows-… Charles Armitage
- Re: [siprec] Comments on draft-ietf-siprec-callfl… Ram Mohan R (rmohanr)
- Re: [siprec] Comments on draft-ietf-siprec-callfl… Ram Mohan R (rmohanr)