[Slim] Text stating that negotiation isn't restrictive
Randall Gellens <rg+ietf@randy.pensive.org> Thu, 11 January 2018 19:30 UTC
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To: Bernard Aboba <bernard.aboba@gmail.com>, Gunnar Hellström <gunnar.hellstrom@omnitor.se>
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Subject: [Slim] Text stating that negotiation isn't restrictive
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Of the two remaining open questions, one is if we need to add text to explicitly say that negotiation doesn't restrict what people do on a call. I do not believe we need to add such text. However, if we were to add text, here is a proposal to add to the Introduction: Language negotiation is intended to better enable interactive communications (e.g., by allowing needed individuals or resources to be part of a call); it does not attempt to describe the full complexity of human conversation nor restrict what conversants do during a call. As I said in the email thread, I do not see any harm in leaving the draft as-is, but I also won't strongly object to adding the above. -- Randall Gellens Opinions are personal; facts are suspect; I speak for myself only -------------- Randomly selected tag: --------------- Computers ... are not designed, as we are, for ambiguity. --Thomas
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- Re: [Slim] Ben Campbell's Yes on draft-ietf-slim-… Ben Campbell
- Re: [Slim] Ben Campbell's Yes on draft-ietf-slim-… Randall Gellens
- Re: [Slim] Ben Campbell's Yes on draft-ietf-slim-… Gunnar Hellström
- Re: [Slim] Ben Campbell's Yes on draft-ietf-slim-… Randall Gellens
- Re: [Slim] Ben Campbell's Yes on draft-ietf-slim-… Bernard Aboba
- Re: [Slim] Ben Campbell's Yes on draft-ietf-slim-… Bernard Aboba
- Re: [Slim] Ben Campbell's Yes on draft-ietf-slim-… Gunnar Hellström
- Re: [Slim] Ben Campbell's Yes on draft-ietf-slim-… Randall Gellens
- Re: [Slim] Ben Campbell's Yes on draft-ietf-slim-… Bernard Aboba
- Re: [Slim] Ben Campbell's Yes on draft-ietf-slim-… Gunnar Hellström
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- Re: [Slim] Allowing multiple values in an answer Randall Gellens
- Re: [Slim] Allowing multiple values in an answer Gunnar Hellström
- Re: [Slim] Allowing multiple values in an answer Bernard Aboba
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- Re: [Slim] Allowing multiple values in an answer Bernard Aboba
- Re: [Slim] Allowing multiple values in an answer Randall Gellens