[smartpowerdir] IEC spec

Peter Saint-Andre <stpeter@stpeter.im> Thu, 28 July 2011 20:56 UTC

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This morning at breakfast, Fred mentioned ISO/IEC 14908. Here are some

ISO/IEC 14908-1: Open Data Communication in Building Automation,
Controls and Building Management – Control Network Protocol – Part 1:
Protocol Stack

ISO/IEC 14908-2: Open Data Communication in Building Automation,
Controls and Building Management – Control Network Protocol – Part 2:
Twisted Pair Communication

ISO/IEC 14908-3: Open Data Communication in Building Automation,
Controls and Building Management – Control Network Protocol – Part 3:
Power Line Channel Specification

ISO/IEC 14908-4: Open Data Communication in Building Automation,
Controls and Building Management – Control Network Protocol – Part 4: IP


