[smartpowerdir] Fwd: PAP #1
Fred Baker <fred@cisco.com> Thu, 28 October 2010 17:45 UTC
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From: Fred Baker <fred@cisco.com>
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2010 10:47:08 -0700
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Subject: [smartpowerdir] Fwd: PAP #1
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Begin forwarded message: > From: Fred Baker <fred@cisco.com> > Date: October 28, 2010 10:46:30 AM PDT > To: Ron Ambrosio <rfa@us.ibm.com> > Cc: SGIP-PAP01WG@SMARTGRIDLISTSERV.ORG > Subject: PAP #1 > > We had a meeting regarding PAP #1 this morning, primarily discussing > > http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-baker-ietf-core > "Internet Protocols for the Smart Grid", Fred Baker, Dave Meyer, > 25-Oct-10 > > which was written at David's request. > > In the meeting this morning, one change was requested, which was the citation of SG Networks' architectural picture of the Smart Grid as an example of the use of the Internet Protocol Suite in the Smart Grid. The IETF will need to review it and make sure it agrees that it is reasonable, of course, but I agreed in principle to include the citation if he sent the bibliographic information and a URL for an openly accessible version of the document. > > CSWG says it has reviewed it and finds it acceptable, and per the PAP closing process we need a similar statement from SGAC. I am also taking it into the document, when the above has been finalized, into the IETF final review and publication process.
- [smartpowerdir] Fwd: PAP #1 Fred Baker