Re: [smartpowerdir] planned workshop on IOT

Fred Baker <> Wed, 22 December 2010 21:21 UTC

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Subject: Re: [smartpowerdir] planned workshop on IOT
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I'll suggest making sure Lixia can attend. She has some relevant ideas.

On Dec 22, 2010, at 8:23 AM, Hannes Tschofenig wrote:

> Hi Geoff, 
> the suggestion was to have the workshop on Friday and tutorials on Saturday. 
> Recently, we organized a privacy workshop in Boston and it was not attached to any other event. Hence, everyone had to travel without any ability to optimize. 
> Ciao
> Hannes
> On Dec 22, 2010, at 6:07 PM, Geoff Mulligan wrote:
>> Jari,
>> Is there any way to make this workshop on Saturday?  Putting it on
>> Friday means that we have to leave the US at the latest by Thursday and
>> in reality on Wednesday.  Personally this makes it very unlikely that I
>> will be able to attend.
>> Not sure about all the others traveling from the US.
>> 	geoff
>> On Wed, 2010-12-22 at 17:20 +0200, Jari Arkko wrote:
>>> Hannes, me, Zack, and a few others have been talking about organizing a 
>>> workshop right before the next IETF on IOT. Thoughts? Good idea/bad 
>>> idea? Sufficient participation can be drummed up?
>>> ----
>>> Internet Scale Machine-to-Machine Networking
>>> Background
>>> Today's Internet is experienced by users as a set of applications,
>>> such as email, instant messaging, and social networks. While these
>>> applications do not require users to be present at the time of service
>>> execution in many cases they are. There are also substantial
>>> differences in performance between the various end devices, but in
>>> general end devices participating in the Internet are considered to be
>>> of higher performance.
>>> As we move forward with the interconnection of all kinds of devices to
>>> the Internet, these characteristics will change. "Internet of Things"
>>> is a vision where a large number of devices benefit from the
>>> communication services offered by the Internet. Many of these devices
>>> are not directly operated by humans, but exist as stand-alone
>>> components in buildings, vehicles, and the environment. There will be
>>> a lot of variation in the computing power, available memory, and
>>> communications bandwidth between different types of devices.
>>> Many of these devices provide new services or provide more value for
>>> our previously unconnected devices. Some devices have been connected
>>> in various legacy means in the past but are now migrating to the use
>>> of the Internet Protocol, sharing the same communications medium
>>> between all applications and enabling rich communications services.
>>> Much of this development can simply run on existing Internet
>>> protocols. For instance, home entertainment and monitoring systems
>>> often offer a web interface to the end user. In many cases the new,
>>> constrained environments can benefit from additional protocols that
>>> help optimize the communications and lower the computational
>>> requirements. Examples of standardization efforts targeted for these
>>> environments include the "Constrained RESTful Environments (core)",
>>> IPv6 over Low power WPAN (6lowpan)", Routing Over Low power and Lossy
>>> networks (roll)" working groups.
>>> This workshop aims to explore the experience and approaches taken by
>>> developers of Internet technology, when considering the
>>> characteristics of constraint devices. Engineers know that many design
>>> considerations need to be taken into account when developing protocols
>>> and architecture. Balancing between the conflicting goals of computing
>>> performance, code size, economical incentives, and security is often
>>> difficult, as illustrated by Clark, et al. in "Tussle in Cyberspace:
>>> Defining Tomorrow's Internet", see
>>> This workshop aims to discuss the experience and approaches taken when
>>> designing Internet of Things into protocols and architectures. To
>>> frame the discussion we suggest, as examples, to investigate the area
>>> of integration in the following categories:
>>> * scalability
>>> * power usage
>>> * interworking between different technologies and network domains
>>> * usability and manageability
>>> * security
>>> "To make the Internet work better" is the goal of the IETF and the
>>> workshop organizers are interested in receiving contributions and in
>>> having discussions that support this goal. Results may lead to
>>> guidelines and recommendations, the development of standards, further
>>> need for research, or implementation and configuration best current
>>> practices.
>>> Workshop Style
>>> The workshop’s main focus will be on the discussions. In order to keep
>>> the group at a manageable size, participants are required to submit a
>>> position paper as an expression of interest. Submitters of accepted
>>> position papers will be invited to attend the workshop. Active
>>> participation will be expected.
>>> The workshop will be structured as a series of working sessions
>>> punctuated by invited speakers who will present relevant background
>>> information or controversial ideas that help participants reach a
>>> deeper understanding of the subject. The organizing committee may ask
>>> submitters of particularly salient papers to present their ideas and
>>> experiences at the workshop. For each slot, there will be one or two
>>> invited controversial speakers, and group work on the problem that’s
>>> identified, hopefully reaching either a deeper understanding of the
>>> problem or some means of approaching it.
>>> Important Dates
>>> Position papers must be submitted at latest February, 11th, 2011.
>>> Submitted position papers will be reviewed immediately by the program
>>> organizers and an invitation to the workshop will be sent to one of
>>> the paper authors. At latest, invitations will be distributed by
>>> February, 25th.
>>> This one-day workshop will take place on Friday, 25th March, 2011,
>>> right before the 80th IETF meeting in Prague, which starts on Sunday,
>>> 27th March. Independently of this workshop but relevant for the
>>> participants are tutorial events on Saturday, 26th March 2011. These
>>> tutorials will focus on ongoing IETF efforts related to the IETF CORE,
>>> ROLL, and 6LOWPAN working groups.
>>> Position Papers Requirements
>>> Interested parties must submit a brief contribution describing their
>>> work or approach as it relates to the workshop theme. We welcome
>>> visionary ideas for how to tackle the integration of constraint
>>> devices, as well as write-ups of deployment experience, and
>>> lessons-learned from successful or failed attempts at integrating
>>> these constraint devices with the Internet. Contributions are not
>>> required to be original in content.
>>> We solicit brief write-ups with 1 or 2 pages, formatted in HTML, PDF,
>>> or plain text. We encourage paper authors to focus on the most
>>> important challenge. A focused message will be key! Accepted position
>>> papers will be published (in addition to meeting minutes, slides, and
>>> a workshop report).
>>> Please send your position paper to
>>> Venue
>>> The planned date and location for the workshop is Friday, March 25th,
>>> in Prague. Details about the meeting venue will be provided to the
>>> invited workshop participants. During the breaks coffee and tea will
>>> be served.
>>> There are no plans for remote participation. Minutes of discussions
>>> will be available, and offers to organize audio recording would be
>>> gladly appreciated.
>>> Workshop Organizers
>>> We look forward to your input. The workshop organizers are Jari Arkko
>>> (Internet Area Director), Hannes Tschofenig (IAB), Bernard Aboba
>>> (IAB), Carsten Bormann (core and 6lowpan WG Chair), David Culler (ROLL
>>> WG Chair), Lars Eggert (Transport Area Director, and upcoming IRTF
>>> Chair), JP Vasseur (ROLL WG Chair), Stewart Bryant (Routing Area
>>> Director), Adrian Farrel (Routing Area Director), Ralph Droms
>>> (Internet Area Director), Geoffrey Mulligan (6lowpan WG Chair), Alexey
>>> Melnikov (Applications Area Director), Peter Saint-Andre (Applications
>>> Area Director), Marcelo Bagnulo (IAB), Zach Shelby (protocol
>>> author/editor), Isidro Ballesteros Laso (European Commission).
>>> More detailed information about the workshop is available at:
>>> Feel free to contact us at