[smartpowerdir] Bar BOF for IRTF work on energy efficiency
Juergen Quittek <Quittek@neclab.eu> Mon, 11 July 2011 11:17 UTC
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From: Juergen Quittek <Quittek@neclab.eu>
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Subject: [smartpowerdir] Bar BOF for IRTF work on energy efficiency
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Dear all, Energy-efficiency is of growing importance for the Internet and thus also for the IETF. There is already an IETF WG in the OPS area on energy management (eman) and in several other WGs people are starting to consider energy efficiency of the protocols they design. It looks like energy efficiency has the potential to become a cross topic affecting many areas we are working on. But before adding action items on energy efficiency to IETF WGs it appears to be wise to first investigate the general problems of IETF protocols concerning energy efficiency. One example are keep-alive messages that keep devices from going to sleep mode even if there are no real service requests. One way to address the problem is to start general investigations on energy efficiency in the IRTF. At http://www.green-communications.net/eerg/ we make a proposal for a new energy efficiency research group (eerg) in the IRTF. Please note that we consider this rather as a proposal for new work items. We may find that these are better shared among existing RGs. But if not, we would propose establishing a new RG. There is also a mailing list at https://listserv.netlab.nec.de/mailman/listinfo/eerg to discuss about these issues. For all those of you who are interested in this, we will organize a bar BOF on Wednesday evening, July 27, after the plenary at 20:15. The location will be posted at the web site and on the mailing list mentioned above. If you would like to join, please create an entry at the doodle at http://doodle.com/vvvpbgcmm2r78abi . This helps organizing a location for the bar BOF that fits all of us. Please feel free to forward this announcement to further interested people. See you at the bar BOF, Juergen
- [smartpowerdir] Bar BOF for IRTF work on energy e… Juergen Quittek