Errors in the standards

Eric Schekkerman <> Tue, 13 April 1993 13:49 UTC

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Subject: Errors in the standards
Sender: ietf-archive-request@IETF.CNRI.Reston.VA.US
From: Eric Schekkerman <>
Organisation: Univ. of Twente, Dept. of CS, Tele-Informatics & Open Systems
Address: P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands
Telephone: +31 53 894287
Telefax: +31 53 333815
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1993 11:12:55 +0200

After carefully re-studying the documents I discovered some errors. First of
all there is a minor typo:

* adminv2-03, page 18: snmpStatsPacket should be snmpStatsPackets

In addition I encountered the following inconsistencies in the proposed standards:

* The snmpStatsSilentDrops counter is never used. I.e. the protocol does not
  specify when this counter should be incremented.

* Section 3.2 of the adminv2-03 standard covers the processing of a received
  communication. Steps 15 and 16 cover all classes except class 64 (Inform).
  If I understand it correclty, class 64 should be included in step 16.

  Furthermore, I believe the description of the snmpStatsBadOperations counter
  should indicate that the referred operation was not allowed because it didn't
  match the requested role of the entity (i.e. the agent role). (And because of
  that it is not allowed by the entry in the aclTable.)

Any comments?

                         --- Eric Schekkerman ---