[Softwires] Comments on divi-pd

Washam Fan <washam.fan@gmail.com> Mon, 31 October 2011 05:36 UTC

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Subject: [Softwires] Comments on divi-pd
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Hi the authors,

I have 2 comments on this draft so far.

1. Appendix A gives an example how to generate a IPv4-translatable
address delegated to a CPE, but miss the part how a CPE derive a IPv4
prefix, address, or shared address from a given delegated
IPv4-translatable address. At least, I think the s bits can not be
derived without extra provisioning.

2. It seems to me native IPv6 addresses and IPv4-translatable
addresses share the same prefix. Then how a CPE identify a IPv6 packet
arriving at the WAN-facing interface is a native one or a translated
