[Softwires] Keeping support of CE IPv4 prefixes in the v4/v6 address mapping?
Rémi Després <despres.remi@laposte.net> Thu, 03 November 2011 09:24 UTC
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Subject: [Softwires] Keeping support of CE IPv4 prefixes in the v4/v6 address mapping?
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Le 3 nov. 2011 à 10:04, Ole Troan a écrit : ... >> Requiring ISPs to maintain IPv4 routing in their networks, just to serve the few users that need to keep IPv4 prefixes, seems to me a step backward. > > can you clarify why this? I don't understand why IPv4 routing has to be maintained just because there is a MAP domain with full IPv4 addresses (or a rule for full IPv4 addresses)? I didn't say that. IF the address mapping can't assign IPv4 prefixes to CEs, AND IF an ISP has to support some users needing IPv4 prefixes, it needs a tool to do it. I supposed that maintaining IPv4 routing was the easiest way to do it. If you have a better alternative, what would it be? As said to Med, if I misunderstood Jacni's idea, this debate can be closed. Cheers, RD
- Re: [Softwires] Port mapping - Don't change it at… Rémi Després
- Re: [Softwires] Port mapping - Don't change it at… Jacni Qin
- Re: [Softwires] Port mapping - Don't change it at… Ole Troan
- [Softwires] Keeping support of CE IPv4 prefixes i… Rémi Després
- Re: [Softwires] Keeping support of CE IPv4 prefix… mohamed.boucadair
- Re: [Softwires] Keeping support of CE IPv4 prefix… Rémi Després
- [Softwires] Keeping support of CE IPv4 prefixes i… Rémi Després
- Re: [Softwires] Keeping support of CE IPv4 prefix… Jacni Qin
- Re: [Softwires] Keeping support of CE IPv4 prefix… Jacni Qin