[Softwires] About draft-guo-softwire-6rd-ipv6-config-00
xuxiaohu 41208 <xuxh@huawei.com> Fri, 30 July 2010 09:49 UTC
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Subject: [Softwires] About draft-guo-softwire-6rd-ipv6-config-00
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Hi all, First, as stated in the DHCPv6 specification [RFC3315], "...The client MUST use a link-local address assigned to the interface for which it is requesting configuration information as the source address in the header of the IP datagram." Since the link-local address can not travel through the 6rd domain, the CPE SHOULD act as a DHCPv6 relay agent. I think nobody will argue against this conclusion. Second, as I mentioned during the presentation, relaying DHCP request messages to All_DHCP_Servers multicast address by CPEs is not optimal in 6rd scenario. Note that here what I said is "not optimal", rather than "not possible". The CPE as a relay agent, could be upgraded to relay information-request DHCPv6 messages (multicast) towards the 6rd BRs. However, with this approach, the DHCPv6 servers would have to be located in the IPv6 Interne t, rather than in a 6rd site which is owned by the 6rd SP. In addition, this usage will result in more traffic burden on the 6rd BRs. Hence, we propose that the CPE as a DHCP relay agent, SHOULD know at least one DHCPv6 server address. Xiaohu