Re: [Softwires] I-D Action: draft-ietf-softwire-map-12.txt

Ole Troan <> Mon, 16 February 2015 10:59 UTC

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thanks, let's see if we can get these in during the AUTH48.


> On 15 Feb 2015, at 9:20 , Leaf Yeh <> wrote:
> I got a late read on this draft, and may find some editorial nits:
> #1. In sec. 3,
>    "  End-user IPv6 prefix:   The IPv6 prefix assigned to an End-user CE by
>                            other means than MAP itself.  E.g.,
>                            Provisioned using DHCPv6 PD [RFC3633],
>                            assigned via SLAAC [RFC4862], or configured
>                            manually.  It is unique for each CE. "
> Q. Does the above means ' End-user IPv6 prefix ' includes 's bits' (the subnet ID) in Fig.3?
> But in sec. 5.2,
> "  The MAP IPv6 address is created by concatenating the End-user IPv6
>    prefix with the MAP subnet identifier (if the End-user IPv6 prefix is
>    shorter than 64 bits) and the interface identifier as specified in
>    Section 6.  "
> Q. Does the above means ' End-user IPv6 prefix ' does not include 's bits' (the subnet ID) in Fig.3? I guess we could include 's bits' (the subnet ID= MAP subnet identifier) into ' End-user IPv6 prefix '.
> And in sec. 6,
> "  If the End-user IPv6 prefix length is larger than 64, the most
>    significant parts of the interface identifier is overwritten by the
>    prefix.  "
> Q. Does the above means ' End-user IPv6 prefix ' includes 's bits' (the subnet ID) in Fig.3?
> #2. In sec. 5.1,
> "     For 'a' > 0, A MUST be
>       larger than 0.  This ensures that the algorithm excludes the
>       system ports.  For the default value of a (6), the system ports,
>       are excluded by requiring that A be greater than 0.  Smaller
>       values of a excludes a larger initial range.  E.g., a = 4, will
>       exclude ports 0 - 4095.  The interval between initiaL port numbers
>       of successive contiguous ranges assigned to the same user is
>       2^(16-a).   "
> I prefer the above sentence could be
> "     For 'a' > 0, 'A' MUST be
>       larger than 0.  This ensures that the algorithm excludes the
>       system ports.  Smaller
>       values of 'a' excludes a larger initial range; e.g. 'a' = 4, will
>       exclude ports 0 - 4095.  The interval between initial port numbers
>       of successive contiguous ranges assigned to the same user is
>       2^(16-a).   "
> #3. In Fig.7 of sec. 5.3,
> “                   +----------+         +------------+
>                    |IPv4  sufx|         |Port-Set ID |
>                    +----------+         +------------+  ”
> I prefer the above ‘sufx’ could to be ‘suffix’.
> #4. In sec.6,
> “  The PSID field is left-padded to create a
>    16 bit field.  For an IPv4 prefix or a complete IPv4 address, the
>    PSID field is zero.”
> Q. Does the about ‘zero’ means the value of the PSID=0x 00, or the length of the PSID is zero? I guess it means the former, right?
> #5. In Fig.8 of sec.6,
> “The Interface identifier format of a MAP node is described below.
>   |          128-n-o-s bits          |
>    | 16 bits|    32 bits     | 16 bits|
>    +--------+----------------+--------+
>    |   0    |  IPv4 address  |  PSID  |
>    +--------+----+-----------+--------+  ”
> I think BR does not need to use the above IID. I prefer to replace the word ‘MAP node’ to be ‘MAP CE’. Right?
> The above format looks like ‘128-n-o-s =64, but that is not always true. I prefer the IID format of MAP CE could be:
>   |          128-n-o-s bits          |
>    | <=16 bits|    32 bits     | 16 bits|
>    +--------+----------------+--------+
>    |   all 0s    |  IPv4 address  |  PSID  |
>    +--------+----+-----------+--------+  ”
> #6. In sec. 8.1,
> “  Secondly, the node extracts the source IPv4
>    address and port from the IPv4 packet embedded inside the IPv6
>    packet.  If they are found to be outside the acceptable range, the
>    packet MUST be silently discard and a counter incremented to indicate
>    that a potential spoofing attack may be underway.”
> I guess the better to substitute the above word ‘embedded’ could be ‘encapsulated’, right?
> #7. In sec. 11
> “     They cannot
>       exist with MAP because each BRs checks that the IPv6 source
>       address of a received IPv6 packet is a CE address based on
>       Forwarding Mapping Rule. ”
> I think BRs check that the IPv6 source address of a received IPv6 packet is a CE address based on Basic Mapping Rule, and check that the IPv6 destination address of a received IPv6 packet is a CE address based on Forwarding Mapping Rule, right?
> Best Regards,
> Leaf
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Softwires [] On Behalf Of
> Sent: Monday, November 24, 2014 3:39 PM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: [Softwires] I-D Action: draft-ietf-softwire-map-12.txt
> A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories.
> This draft is a work item of the Softwires Working Group of the IETF.
>         Title           : Mapping of Address and Port with Encapsulation (MAP)
>         Authors         : Ole Troan
>                           Wojciech Dec
>                           Xing Li
>                           Congxiao Bao
>                           Satoru Matsushima
>                           Tetsuya Murakami
>                           Tom Taylor
>          Filename        : draft-ietf-softwire-map-12.txt
>          Pages           : 32
>          Date            : 2014-11-23
> Abstract:
>    This document describes a mechanism for transporting IPv4 packets
>    across an IPv6 network using IP encapsulation, and a generic
>    mechanism for mapping between IPv6 addresses and IPv4 addresses and
>    transport layer ports.
> The IETF datatracker status page for this draft is:
> There's also a htmlized version available at:
> A diff from the previous version is available at:
> Please note that it may take a couple of minutes from the time of submission until the htmlized version and diff are available at
> Internet-Drafts are also available by anonymous FTP at:
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