[Softwires] 4rd-U version -01 to unify Double translation and encapsulation.
Rémi Després <despres.remi@laposte.net> Tue, 25 October 2011 08:24 UTC
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Subject: [Softwires] 4rd-U version -01 to unify Double translation and encapsulation.
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Hi all, Version -01 of the 4rd-U "header mapping" has been posted a few hours ago. Ref: www.ietf.org/id/draft-despres-softwire-4rd-u-01.txt It proposes a unified solution to replace Double translation and Encapsulation, so that a single standard can be possible for stateless residual deployments of IPv4 across IPv6 networks. Because it has an impact on the IPv4 to IPv6 address mapping (it requires checksum neutrality), it is an input not only to the Softwire WG in general, but also to the currently active address mapping design team. Many details could be added, but the solution is expected to be understandable. (There is in particular nothing on ICMP, but usual logic on the subject should apply unchanged.) All questions are most welcome. Regards, RD
- [Softwires] 4rd-U version -01 to unify Double tra… Rémi Després