[lamps] Call for adoption of draft-kario-pkcs12-pbmac1
Russ Housley <housley@vigilsec.com> Tue, 20 September 2022 20:30 UTC
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There has been some discussion of https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-kario-pkcs12-pbmac1. During the discussion at the virtual interim session on Monday, there was a lot of support for this document. I have put this document at the front of the list in the hope that we can take care of this straightforward document before the large bundle of PQC-related documents that are going to consume so much of the time in the working group. Should the LAMPS WG adopt “Use of Password Based Message Authentication Code 1 (PBMAC1) in PKCS #12 Syntax” in draft-kario-pkcs12-pbmac1-00? Please reply to this message by Monday, 3 October 2022 to voice your support or opposition to adoption. On behalf of the LAMPS WG Chairs, Russ
- [lamps] Call for adoption of draft-kario-pkcs12-p… Russ Housley
- Re: [lamps] Call for adoption of draft-kario-pkcs… Dmitry Belyavsky
- Re: [lamps] [EXTERNAL] Re: Call for adoption of d… Mike Ounsworth
- Re: [lamps] Call for adoption of draft-kario-pkcs… Russ Housley
- Re: [lamps] Call for adoption of draft-kario-pkcs… Hubert Kario