[lamps] New draft: rfc6844bis
Jacob Hoffman-Andrews <jsha@eff.org> Thu, 31 May 2018 18:46 UTC
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Subject: [lamps] New draft: rfc6844bis
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Hi all, I've uploaded rfc6844bis (https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-lamps-rfc6844bis-00) which is the WG version of https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-hoffman-andrews-caa-simplification-03. Differences versus the last draft: - Adopted Corey's improved ABNF grammar, which also allows hyphens in property names, and spaces around the equal signs in properties. - Clarified how to handle CAA RRsets that have no issue or issuewild tags, but do have other CAA tags. Thanks for the proposal on this, Corey! - Added a "Differences vs RFC 6844" section. - Emptied the IANA Considerations section, which was copied from RFC6844 but irrelevant because the values in it had already been registered with IANA. - Added a section to "Deployment Considerations" regarding private nameservers. - Improved the wording of "Bogus DNSSEC Responses" section (under "Deployment Considerations"). If you would like to read the individual commits, they are available at https://github.com/jsha/caa-simplification/commits/master. Thanks, Jacob
- Re: [lamps] New draft: rfc6844bis Corey Bonnell
- [lamps] New draft: rfc6844bis Jacob Hoffman-Andrews
- Re: [lamps] New draft: rfc6844bis Quirin Scheitle
- Re: [lamps] New draft: rfc6844bis Ryan Sleevi
- Re: [lamps] New draft: rfc6844bis Quirin Scheitle
- Re: [lamps] New draft: rfc6844bis Ryan Sleevi
- Re: [lamps] New draft: rfc6844bis Jacob Hoffman-Andrews
- Re: [lamps] New draft: rfc6844bis Corey Bonnell
- Re: [lamps] New draft: rfc6844bis Sean Leonard