[Speechsc] AUTO: Can P Boyacigiller has left the building (returning 09/06/2012)
Can P Boyacigiller <can@us.ibm.com> Wed, 05 September 2012 21:02 UTC
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Subject: [Speechsc] AUTO: Can P Boyacigiller has left the building (returning 09/06/2012)
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I am out of the office until 09/06/2012. I will be out of the office traveling to customer meetings Tuesday through Tuesday. I will have limitted access to email during that time. Please use email as a preference and I will try to respond by end of day. Note: This is an automated response to your message "Speechsc Digest, Vol 66, Issue 1" sent on 09/05/2012 2:00:08 PM. This is the only notification you will receive while this person is away.
- [Speechsc] AUTO: Can P Boyacigiller has left the … Can P Boyacigiller